Spanish False Cognates
A Spanish word that is similar to an English word, but has a different meaning, is known as a false cognate. Some examples of Spanish false cognates are shown below.
Spanish Word | English Translation | Confused With | Spanish Translation |
abandonar | to quit | to remove | quitar |
absoluto | absolute | absolutely | absolutamente, completamente |
en absoluto | not at all | absolutely | totalmente |
actual | current | actual | verdadero |
acuartelamiento | billet | ticket | billete |
advertencia | a warning | advertisement | anuncio |
agonía | dying moments | agony | dolor fuerte |
aguacate | avocado | lawyer | abogado |
alcalde | mayor | bigger | mayor |
alfombra | carpet | folder | carpeta |
anunciar | to advertise | to warn | advertir |
apoyar | to support | to put up with | soportar |
árbitro | umpire | empire | imperio |
asistencia | attendance | attention | atención |
avergonzado | embarrassed | pregnant | embarazada |
ayudar | to assist | to attend | asistir a un lugar |
banco | bank | bench | banco de plaza |
basamento | base of a column | basement | el sótano |
base militar | camp | field | campo en general |
biblioteca | library | bookshop | librería |
bizarro | brave | bizarre | extraño or estrafalario |
brazo | arm | gun | arma |
cacerola | pan | bread | pan |
calumniar | to traduce | to translate | traduce |
carpeta | file folder | carpet | alfombra |
ceder | to compromise | commitment | compromiso |
cena | dinner | money | dinero |
chocar | to crash | choke | ahogar, sofocar |
compasión | sympathy | affection | simpatía |
complexión | physiological build | skin complexion | tez or cutis |
comprensivo | sympathetic | likeable | simpático |
común | ordinary | ordinary | vulgar |
conocido | familiar | relative | pariente |
concurso | contest | to answer | contestar |
conferencia | lecture | reading | lectura |
consejo | council | to reconcile | conciliar |
consejos | advice | warning, notice | aviso |
conservante | preservative | condom | preservativo |
cortés | gracious | funny | gracioso |
cuerda | rope | clothes | ropa |
cuerdo | sane | healthy | sano |
cuerno | horn | oven | horno |
cuerpo | body | wedding | boda |
darse cuenta | to realize | to make | realizar |
decepción | disappointment | to deceive someone | engañar a alguien |
delito | crime | delight | deleite |
desconocido | stranger | foreigner | extranjero |
desesperado | desperate | to wake up | despertar |
desfile | parade | wall | pared |
desgracia | mistake | something shameful | una vergüenza |
desviación | diversion | fun | diversión |
dibujos animados | cartoon | cardboard | cartón |
diferenciado | discrete | discreet | discreto |
discusión | argument | plot | argumento de un libro |
disgusto | displeasure | disgust | asco or repugnancia |
ebrio | intoxicated | food poisoning | intoxicado |
emocionante | thrilling or emotionally moving | emotional | emocional |
entusiasta | zealous | jealous | celoso |
éxito | success | event | suceso |
ensalada | salad | salty | salado |
economía | economics | cheap | económicos |
ejército | army | navy | marina |
engaño | deception | disappointment | decepción |
estadio | arena | sand | arena |
evaluación | assessment | consultancy | asesoría |
eventual | incidental | eventual | definitivo |
fábrica | factory | cloth | tejido and tela |
facultad | college | school | colegio |
fecha | date | data | dato |
fenomenal, genial | terrific | terrifying | terrorífico |
final | ultimate | last | último |
finalmente | eventually | by chance, possibly | eventualmente |
firma | signature | subject | asignatura |
formulario | form | shape | forma |
fútil | trivial or insignificant | futile | ineficaz, vano or inútil |
ganga | bargain | gang | pandilla |
globo | balloon | ball | balón |
grabar | to record | to remember | recordar |
grande | large | long | largo |
habitante | inhabitant | uninhabited | inhabitado |
impuesto | tax | taxi | taxi |
inconsecuente | contradictory | inconsequential | de poca importancia |
ingenio | ingenuity | naivety | ingenuidad |
involucrar | involve | wrap | envolver |
jabón | soap | soup | sopa |
ladrar o ladrido | bark | boat, ship | barco |
lograr | to attain | to tie | atar |
lugar | place | square | plaza |
lujo | luxury | lust | lujuria |
maldición | curse | course | curso |
maleducado | rude | rough | rudo |
medios | media | sock | media |
mil millones | billion | trillion | billón |
minorista | retailer | minority | una minoría |
modismo | idiom | language | idioma |
molestar | to bother or to annoy | to molest | abusar sexualmente |
objetivo | target | card | tarjeta |
oficina | office | job | oficio |
orden | command | commando unit | comando |
padres | parents | relatives | parientes |
pala | spade | sword | espada |
parientes | relatives | relative (adjective) | relativos |
pecado | sin | without | sin |
pedir disculpas | to apologize | defence | apología |
política | policy | police | policía |
postre | dessert | desert | desierto |
pretender | to try | to pretend | fingir or simular |
propenso | apt | qualified, able | apto |
quedarse | to stay | to be | estar |
quejarse | to complain | to please | complacer |
quitar | to remove | to stir | remover |
rapista | barber | someone who attacks sexually | violador |
real | actual | current | actual |
reanudar | to resume | to sum up | resumir |
recordar | to remember | to record (audio or video) | grabar |
recuerdo | recollection | harvest | recolección |
salida | exit | success | éxito |
sensiblemente | appreciably | sensibly | sesudamente |
sensitivo | sensible | sensitive | sensible |
soportar | put up with | support | mantener |
suceso | event or happening | success | un éxito |
sufrir de estreñimiento | (to be) constipated | to have a cold/chill | estar constipado |
de tamaño normal | regular | bad | regular |
tela | fabric | factory | fábrica |
traducir | to translate | to move | trasladarse |
tristeza | misery | poverty | miseria |
tienda de comestibles | grocery | rudeness | grosería |
últimamente | lately | ultimately | al final |
vagabundo | tramp | trap | trampa |
valiente | brave | fierce | bravo |
vapor | fume | smoke | fumar |
vaso | drinking glass | vase | jarrón |
una vez | once | eleven | once |
vieira | scallop | scallop(meal) | escalope |
False Cognates in Spanish
The most common mistake made when speaking is to use a Spanish word that looks or sounds similar to an English word but has a totally different meaning. This can result in confusion and embarrassment!. Spanish students whose first language is English may begin to assume that all Spanish words that sound the same as English words also have the same meaning. These students fall victim to false cognates and this can lead to embarrassing situations, at best, or start violent disagreements and even death, at worst.
Before you do anything, you should first take our online Spanish test. If you have problems with Spanish false cognates, you may want to consider working with a private tutor one or two hours per week. This will quickly take your Spanish to the next level. Private online Spanish tutors are available from If you decide to use a tutor, you should also work with the tutor to learn the most common Spanish adjectives.
The Spanish false cognates sensitized by nature dye mainly composed of chlorophyll in this study of high conversion efficiency.
States that are signatory parties to conventions such as CEDAW are still exploiting the rights of older women due to the lack of attention the subject has been given by International law.And it will guide the organization to become more competitive, more effective in their business and also to become more profitable. The experiments results that are recorded in the results section are based off of Ionic and Covalent bonds. Children are non co-operative and experience difficulty in understanding Spanish false cognates. Rectal suppositories becomes an inconvenient route of administration. People who are motivated by what they are implementing and the environment they are working, are more likely to be engaged in their work (Erickson dhe Gratton, 2007:105).
False Cognates Spanish Worksheet
The traditional fiesta activities like bullfighting, religious services, processions and decorated parades take an important place to Segovia. Person holding office by virtue of which it is their duty (a) m preven offences, (b) to give information of offences, (c) to bring offenders to justice, or (d) to protect the public health, safety or convenience, are declared to be Spanish false cognates. In order to provide the dynamic forces that linked needs to behavior, Maslow’s theory of motivation describes the concepts of deprivation and gratification and utilized the former to establish dominance within his hierarchy needs. Fathers could be absent for a number of reasons including death, divorce, separation or even imprisonment or institutionalization (MacKAY, James). Mies van der Rohe and Le Corbusier produced some sort of works that defined as ‘liberating living’ by Siegfried Giedion.
The counselor notes however, that both Marty and herself are devout Catholics, thus much of their values are similar. Finally, Philanthropic responsibility model refers to lastly, at the tip of the pyramid, the fourth level of CSR looks at the philanthropic responsibilities of Spanish false cognates. However, with the introduction of Industrialization the majority of people became involved with Industrialization with invention of advanced technology. In the following years while around the age fifty, Hemingway though retired as reported still pursued his life of exploration and adventure. Chapter third looks into the individual experiences of three Latin American (Peru, Mexico and Ecuador) and four Asian countries (India, China, Bangladesh and Pakistan) on how Spanish false cognates have been implemented in controlling pollution of the informal brick industry. Watching someone under the influence, due to problems they are obviously dealing with, can be very hard to cope with. General aggregate fluid utilization in the United States in 1991 included Coca-Cola's 10% offer of all fluid utilization. These co-purified proteins were found to consist primarily of a 47KD and a 43KD band when resolved on an SDS PAGE gel. The culture supernatants thus obtained were heat treated (90ºC, 5-7 min) to kill any live cell.
Popular Phrase: how to say due | Hello Spanish | Conjugated Verb: zurriagar - scourge, whips [ click for full conjugation ]