Irregular Spanish Verbs - 'g' is replaced by 'gu'
If the conjugation adds an 'e' to the stem, then the 'g' is replaced by 'gu'
castigar - to punish
abogar - to plead
abotargarse - to swell up
abrigar - to wrap up, to keep warm
abrogar - to repeal
agregar - to add
bogar - to row
arrepanchingarse - to stretch out, to sprawl
alargar - to lengthen
aletargar - to make drowsy, to send to sleep
amagar - to show signs of
apagar - to put out, to put off, to extinguish
apechugar - to put up with, to live with
chocar - to crash
apegarse - to become fond of
arraigar - to establish, to take root
catalogar - to catalog
arriesgar - to risk, venture, suggest
congregar - to congregate
derogar - to repeal, to rescind
desahogar - to vent, to relieve, to ease
desarraigar - to banish
desarrugar - to smooth out, to iron
descabalgar - to dismount
descargar - to unload, fire (pistol)
desligar - to untie, to separate
despechugarse - to bare one's breast
divagar - to digress
embriagar - to intoxicate
excolmugar - to excommunicate
fatigar - to tire, to weary
halagar - to flatter
instigar - to instigate
juzgar - to judge
largar - to pay out, to give
litigar - to go to law
llegar - to arrive
madrugar - to get up early
prodigar - to lavish
sobrecargar - to overload
tragar - to swallow
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