Write the command given by people in the following situations.
Example : The owner tells the tenant to pay the rent.
Answer : Paga la renta.
1. The professor tells her student to open her book.
______ el libro.
2. The mom tells her child to eat more.
______ más.
3. Sandra wants her sisters to tell the truth.
______ la verdad.
4. The dad tells his son to put his backpack on the floor.
______ la mochila en el piso.
5. The counselor tells his advisee to take intermediate Spanish.
______ español intermedio.
6. Mark tells his best friend to go to class.
______ a clase.
7. The grandparents tell their grandchildren to be good.
______ buenos.
8. Dad tells his daughter to write her homework.
______ la tarea.
9. Maggie tells Paul to take the first bus.
______ el primer autobús.
10. Jack tells Sonia to sell her car.
______ tu carro.
1. Abre el libro.
2. Come más.
3. Digan la verdad.
4. Pon la mochila en el piso.
5. Toma español intermedio.
6. Ve a clase.
7. Sean buenos.
8. Escribe la tarea.
9. Toma el primer autobús.
10. Vende tu carro.
Write the command given by people in the following situations.
Example : The owner tells the tenant to pay the rent.
Answer : Paga la renta.
1. The teacher tells the student to answer the question.
______ la pregunta.
2. The boyfriend tells his girlfriend to look at him.
______ me.
3. The older brother tells his younger borther to give him the toy.
______ el juguete.
4. The lady of the house tells her maid to cook the rice.
______ el arroz.
5. The principal tells the teacher to come to his office.
_____ a mi oficina.