Spanish Verbs Beginning with E
Click on a verb below for the full verb conjugation, example sentences, and translation:
- echar - to throw, cast, fling, hurl, pitch, toss
- echarse - to throw, fling, hurl [oneself]
- efectuar - to effect, carry out, bring about
- ejercer - to exercise, wield [power, influence, etc.]; to practice [a profession]; to manage, conduct [a businsess]
- elegir - to elect, choose
- eliminar - to eliminate, remove, get rid of
- emborrachar - to make drunk, intoxicate; to get [someone] drunk
- emborracharse - to get drunk, become drunk
- emigrar - to emigrate; to migrate
- empezar - to begin, start
- emplear - to employ, hire; to use
- enamorar - to inspire love in, win the love of
- enamorarse - to fall in love
- encantar - to delight, be delighting, charm, enchant
- encender - to burn, light, turn on
- encontrar - to find, encounter
- enfadar - to anger, irritate, annoy
- enfadarse - to get angry, get irratated, get annoyed
- enfermar - to make ill, make sick, cause illness in
- enfermarse - to get sick, become ill, fall ill. become sick
- enflaquecerse - to get thin; lose weight; to grow weak
- engañar - to deceive, cheat, trick, swindle
- enojar - to anger, upset, annoy; to make angry
- enojarse - to get angry, get upset, lose one's temper
- enriquecer - to enrich, make rich
- enriquecerse - to get rich
- enseñar - to teach, instruct, train, educate
- ensuciar - to dirty
- entender - to understand
- entrar - to enter, go in, come in
- entregar - to deliver, hand over
- entretener - to entertain, amuse
- entrevistar - to interview
- entusiasmar - to excite; to fill with excitement [or enthusiasm]
- entusiasmarse - to get excited, become excited [filled with excitement or enthusiasm]
- envejecer - to age, make old, grow old, get old
- envejecerse - to get old, age
- enviar - to send
- equivocar - to mistake
- equivocarse - to make a mistake
- errar - to err, make an error
- escoger - to choose, select, pick
- esconder - to hide, conceal
- esconderse - to hide [oneself], be hidden
- escribir - to write
- escuchar - to listen to, hear
- esquiar - to ski
- establecer - to establish
- estimar - to estimate; to appraise; to esteem, respect
- estudiar - to study
- evacuar - to evacuate, empty
- evitar - to avoid; to prevent
- exhibir - to exhibit, show, display
- exigir - to demand, require
- explorar - to explore; to pioneer
- explotar - to exploit; to explode
- exponer - to expose
- exportar - to export
- expresar - to express, voice, state
- extender - to extend
- extinguir - to extinguish, put out
- editar - to edit, to publish
- educar - to educate
- ejecutar - to perform, to distrain, to carry out
- ejercitar - to exercise, to train
- elaborar - to manufacture, to elaborate
- electrificar - to electrify
- electrocutar - to electrocute
- elevar - to raise
- elogiar - to praise
- eludir - to evade, to avoid
- emanar - to emanate
- emancipar - to emancipate
- embalar - to pack, to crate
- embalsamar - to embalm
- embarcar - to embark, to ship, to engage
- embargar - to seize, to distrain, to impound (auto)
- embaucar - to trick, to con (informal)
- embeber - to soak in/ up, to suck in
- embelesar - to captivate
- embellecer - to embellish
- embetunar - to polish, to put polish on
- embobar - to hold spellbound
- embocar - to get/put in the basket (pelota), to hole (golf)
- embojotar - to wrap up
- embolatar - to mess up
- embolinar - to confuse
- embonar - to fit (tubos)
- emboquillar - to point
- emborronar - to smudge, to blot
- emboscar - to ambush
- embotar - to dull
- embotellar - to bottle
- embragar - to engage the clutch
- embrear - to pitch, to tar
- embriagar - to intoxicate, to get drunk
- embrollar - to tangle, to complicate
- embromar - to pester, to hassle
- embrujar - to bewitch, to haunt, to cast a spell on
- embrutecer - to stultify
- embuchar - to stuff, to feed
- embutir - to stuff with
- emerger - to emerge, to surface
- emitir - to issue, to broadcast, to emit
- emocionar - to cause emotion
- empacar - to pack
- empachar - to give an upset stomach
- empadronar - to register
- empajar - to thatch, to mix with straw
- empalagar - to be cloying / too sweet
- empalmar - to splice, to link
- empapar - to soak
- empeorar - to worsen
- encerrar - to lock up
- enchufar - to plug in
- enfriar - to cool, to chill
- enfundar - to put in its case, to hoster (pistola), to cover
- enfurecer - to infuriate
- engalanar - to adorn, to dress up
- enganchar - to hook, to hitch
- englobar - to include (global), to lump together
- engordar - to fatten
- enjuagar - to rinse
- enmascarar - to hide, to disguise, to mask
- enmendar - to amend
- enmudecer - to become silent
- ennegrecer - to blacken
- enorgullecer - to be proud of
- enrollar - to wind, to roll
- ensayar - to try, to attempt
- ensillar - to saddle
- enterar - to inform, to find out, to hear (about sth)
- enterrar - to bury
- enunciar - to enunciate, to express, to formulate
- envolver - to wrap
- equipar - to furnish
- equiparar - compare, to match, to make equal
- erguir - to raise, to lift up, to erect
- escalar - to climb, to scale
- escapar - to escape
- escupir - to spit, to spit out
- esforzar - to make an effort
- espantar - to frighten, to scare
- esparcir - to scatter, to spread
- esperar - to wait, to hope
- esposar - to handcuff
- estancar - to stop the flow of, to block, to hold up a deal
- estar - to be
- estrechar - to narrow, to tighten
- exagerar - to exaggerate
- exaltar - to excite
- examinar - to examine, to consider
- exasperar - to exasperate
- excavar - to excavate
- exceptuar - to except
- excitar - to excite
- exclamar - to exclaim
- excluir - to exclude, to rule out
- exculpar - to exonerate
- excusar - to excuse
- exhalar - to exhale
- exhortar - to exhort
- existir - to exist
- expedir - to send
- explicar - to explain
- extraer - to extract
- economizar - to economize, to save
- edificar - to build
- educir - to deduct, to infer
- egresar - to leave, to pass, to graduate
- embestir - to attack
- empapelar - to paper, to wallpaper
- emparentar - to become related
- empatar - to be even, to come to a draw
- empeñar - to pawn, to pledge, to persist
- emplazar - to locate, to site, to summon
- empobrecer - to impoverish
- emprender - to undertake
- empujar - to push
- emular - to emulate
- enaltecer - to praise
- enardecer - to inflame
- encarcelar - to imprison, to put in jail, to incarcerate
- encarecer - to increase in price
- encargar - to put in charge, to entrust with, to order
- encerar - to wax, to polish
- encoger - to shrink, to contract
- encomendar - to entrust
- encuestar - to survey, to opinion poll
- enderezar - to straighten up
- endulzar - to sweeten
- endurecer - to harden
- enfatizar - to emphasize
- enflaquecer - to make thin, to weaken, to get thin
- engreir - to spoil, to spoil oneself, to show off
- engrosar - to thicken
- engullir - to devour
- enhebrar - to thread
- enloquecer - to drive crazy
- enmohecer - to rust
- ennoblecer - to ennoble
- enrarecer - to rarefy
- enredar - to entangle, to involve, to confuse
- enrojecer - to blush
- ensamblar - to assemble, to join
- ensangrentar - to cover with blood
- ensombrecer - to darken
- ensordecer - to deafen
- enternecer - to get moved
- entonar - to tone, to intone
- entornar - to half open
- entorpecer - to obstruct
- entrecerrar - to leave, to ajar
- entrenar - to train
- entrever - to glimpse, to catch sight of
- entristecer - to sadden
- entrometer - to intrude, to butt in on, to crash (a party)
- enumerar - to enumerate
- envenenar - to poison
- equilibrar - to balance
- equivaler - to be equivalent
- erradicar - to eradicate
- escabullir - to escape
- escarmentar - to learn lesson
- esculpir - to sculpt, to engrave, to carve
- escurrir - to drain, to wring, to drip
- esgrimir - to wield, to brandish
- especializar - to specialize
- especificar - to specify, to spell
- espesar - to thicken, to become dense
- espiar - to spy
- espolvorear - to sprinkle
- estacionar - to park
- estallar - to burst, to explode, to blow up
- estimular - to stimulate
- estirar - to stretch, to pull up/down
- estornudar - to sneeze
- estrangular - to strangle
- estrellar - to crash
- estremecer - to shake
- estrenar - to open
- estreñir - to constipate, to slow down, to indispose
- estropear - to damage, to spoil, to break
- estructurar - to structure
- evadir - to avoid
- evaluar - to evaluate
- evaporar - to evaporate
- evocar - to evoke, to recall
- evolucionar - to evolve, to develop
- exceder - to exceed, to surpass, to overdo
- eximir - to exempt
- expandir - to expand
- experimentar - to experiment
- exprimir - to squeeze, to wring, to exploit
- expulsar - to expel, to send off, to throw out
- extrañar - to miss
- elevarse - to rise
- empalar - to impale
- encalabrinarse - to become infatuated with
- escaldar - to burn; scald
- escalfar - to poach (eggs)
- espirar - to expire, die
- estremecerse - (pres. [estremezco]), to receive a shock,
- expirar - to expire, die
- esclavizar - enslave, enthrall
- entrelazar - entwine, intertwine
- estorbar - disturb, derange
- excederse - overdo
- emocionarse - excited (get ~)
- engomar - rubberize
- endosar - endorse
- expender - issue, write out
- expropiar - expropriate
- embarcadar - embark, to embark
- execrar - execrate
- enfurecerse - enrage
- engendrar - beget, engender
- estratificar - stratify
- exonerar - exonerate
- excomulgar - excommunicate
- enjugar - wipe off
- endechar - deplore, regret
- engatusar - cajole, wheedle
- encajar - palm off on
- eclipsar - upstage
- extractar - yank
- expiar - atone
- espigar - glean
- esclarecer - to brighten
- estipular - stipulate
- encogerse - cringe
- escabullirse - sneak
- entrecruzar - thwarting, to thwart
- entretejer - interweave
- empequeñecer - belittle
- empotrar - embed
- entremezclar - intermingle
- enclavar - enclave
- espumar - scum
- estabilizar - stabilize
- expurgar - expurgate
- enlodar - pollute
- electrizar - electrify
- estafar - diddle
- exultar - rejoice
- encentar - cut into
- ensanchar - broaden, widen
- extraditar - extradite
- eyacular - ejaculate
- encarnar - embody
- estancarse - stagnate
- embozar - mantle
- estandarizar - standardize
- espolear - impel, instigate, spur on
- exterminar - exterminate
- especular - speculate
- empaquetar - envelop, wrap
- enredarse - hamper
- esforzarse - strive
- expectorar - expectorate
- envainar - sheathe
- exteriorizar - utter
- entrenarse - spar
- enclaustrar - cloister
- emparejar - mate
- ejemplificar - exemplify
- especializarse - specialize
- enjoyar - bejewel
- encajonar - encase
- eructar - burp
- estilizar - stylize
- estigmatizar - stigmatize
- escatimar - scant, skimp
- escrutar - scrutinize
- endemoniar - bedevil
- esquematizar - schematize
- esquivar - shirk
- enguatar - wad
- escanear - scan
- especiar - spice
- embadurnar - daub
- esterilizar - sterilize
- espaciar - entlarge, expand
- expatriar - expatriate
- enfangar - smudge
- escaparse - escape, leak (v), run away
- extraviarse - straggle
- exorcizar - exorcise
- esmaltar - enamel
- embarcarse - embark
- encorvarse - flex
- escoltar - escort
- erizar - ruffle
- emir - emir
- emigrarse - emigrate
- enlazar - intertwine
- enervar - unnerve
- esquilar - shear
- encontrarse - be found, be located, find oneself
- erogar - distribute
- exhumar - exhume
- exacerbar - exacerbate
- enarbolar - hoist
- escandalizar - scandalize
- escombrar - clear away, tidy, tidy up
- endurecerse - harden
- entrometerse - meddle
- enfrentar - new verb
- empalidecer - to turn pale
- engrandecer - magnify, increase, enlarge
- envanecer - to become conceited, to grow vain
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