Spanish Verbs Beginning with P
Click on a verb below for the full verb conjugation, example sentences, and translation:
- padecer - to suffer
- pagar - to pay, pay for
- parar - to stop, halt
- parecer - to seem, appear
- participar - to participate, take part in; to share in; to inform, notify
- pasar - to pass, pass by, go; to pass on, hand; to spend [time]; to happen
- patinar - to skate; to slide, skid
- pedir - to request, ask for
- pegar - to stick, glue, hit
- peinar - to comb
- peinarse - to comb one's hair; to do one's hair
- pelear - to fight; to brawl, scruffle
- pensar - to think
- perder - to lose
- perdonar - to forgive, pardon, excuse
- permanecer - to stay, remain
- permitir - to permit, allow
- perseguir - to pursue, chase, hunt down
- pertenecer - to belong, pertain
- picar - to prick, puncture, perforate; to sting, bite </I> [said of an insect or snake]; <I>to peck (at)</I>; <I>to itch, sting
- pintar - to paint
- planchar - to iron, press; to do the ironing
- plantar - to plant
- poder - to be able, can (preterite: to manage, to be able, to succeed)
- poner - to put, place, set
- practicar - to practice
- predecir - to predict, foretell, forecast
- preferir - to prefer
- preguntar - to ask, inquire
- preguntarse - to wonder, ask oneself
- preparar - to prepare, get </I>[something] <I>ready
- preservar - to preserve, protect
- prever - to foresee, anticipate, envisage, visualize
- probar - to taste, try, test
- producir - to produce
- prohibir - to prohibit, forbid
- prometer - to promise
- proponer - to propose
- proseguir - to continue, proceed with
- proteger - to protect
- provocar - to provoke
- publicar - to publish
- purificar - to purify
- pacificar - to pacify
- pactar - to pact
- paginar - to paginate
- palabrear - to have a chat about
- paladear - to savor, to taste
- palmar - to kick the bucket
- palmear - to clap hands (note: aplaudir is most commonly used)
- palpar - to feel (with hands), to touch
- palpitar - to palpitate, to beat, to throb
- paralizar - to paralyze
- paragonar - to compare
- parasitar - to parasitize
- parchar - to patch
- parcelar - to divide into plots
- parchear - to patch
- parir - to give birth, to have a baby, to bear
- parlamentar - to parley, to talk
- parlotear - to chatter (informal)
- parpadear - to blink, to flicker
- parrandear - to go out (informal)
- particularizar - to distinguish
- partir - to leave, to break
- pasear - to take a walk
- pastar - to graze
- pasteurizar - to pasteurize
- pastorear - to pasture
- patalear - to stamp one's feet
- patear - to kick
- patentizar - to display, to demonstrate
- patrocinar - to sponsor
- patrullar - to patrol, to go on patrol
- pautar - to rule, to regulate
- pavear - to clown, to lark around
- pavonar - to blue
- payasear - to clown around
- pecar - to sin, to transgress
- pedalear - to pedal
- pelar - to peel
- pelechar - to molt, to grow hair
- peligrar - to be in danger
- pellizcar - to pinch
- penetrar - to penetrate, to seep through
- perecer - to perish, to die
- peregrinar - to make a pilgrimage
- percibir - to perceive
- perfeccionar - to improve, to perfect
- perfilar - to streamline, to shape
- perforar - to perforate, to pierce
- perfumar - to perfume
- perjudicar - to damage, to harm
- perjurar - to commit perjury
- permutar - to swap, to exchange, to permute
- pernoctar - to stay overnight
- perpetrar - to perpetrate
- perorar - to hold forth
- perpetuar - to perpetuate
- perseverar - to persevere
- persistir - to persist
- personalizar - to personalize
- persuadir - to persuade
- pesar - to weigh
- pescar - to fish
- pestañear - to blink
- pilotear - to pilot
- pisar - to step on
- platicar - to talk, to chat
- plagar - to plague
- planear - to plan, to glide, to plane
- plegar - to fold, to bend, to submit
- posar - to pose, to put, to lay down
- poseer - to possess
- preciar - to appraise, to value
- precipitar - to precipitate, to throw oneself headlong, to rush
- predicar - to preach
- predominar - to predominate
- preocupar - to worry, to preoccupy
- preponderar - to preponderate, to predominate
- presagiar - to presage
- prescindir - to disregard
- prescribir - to prescribe
- preseleccionar - to shorlist, to preselect
- presentar - to present
- presentir - to have a feeling
- presionar - to press
- prestar - to loan
- presuponer - to presuppose
- prevaler - to prevail
- prevenir - to prevent
- principiar - to begin, to commence
- privar - to deprive
- proceder - to come from, to proceed, to continue
- procesar - to process, to prosecute
- proclamar - to proclaim
- procrear - to procreate
- procurar - to obtain, to try, to procure
- profesionalizar - to professionalize
- proferir - to utter
- profesar - to profess
- profundizar - to deepen
- prolongar - to prolong
- pronunciar - to pronounce
- propagar - to propagate, to spread
- proporcionar - to supply
- protestar - to protest, to object
- proyectar - to project, to cast, to throw
- pujar - to struggle, to strain
- pulir - to polish
- pulsar - to press, to push
- palidecer - to wane
- parecer - to seem, to look alike, to resemble eachother
- penar - to suffer, to penalize, to punish
- pender - to hang
- perturbar - to perturb, to disturb
- pervertir - to pervert
- pillar - to catch, to plunder
- pinchar - to prick, to puncture
- planificar - to plan
- plantear - to raise, to think
- poblar - to inhabit, to populate
- podar - to prune, to trim
- portar - to take, to behave
- posponer - to put off, to put in second place, to postpone
- postergar - to delay, to pass over, to postpone
- potenciar - to strengthen
- preceder - to precede, to go before, to have priority over
- precisar - to need, to describe
- premorir - to die before another person
- preñar - to get pregnant, to fertilize
- prender - to light, to set fire to
- presumir - to boast, to presume, to suppose
- pretender - to pretend, to solicit, to seek
- prevalecer - to prevail
- priorizar - to give priority
- profetizar - to prophesy
- programar - to program, to schedule
- progresar - to progress
- promocionar - to promote
- promover - to promote
- propalar - to publish
- prostituir - to prostitute
- protagonizar - to star in
- proveer - to provide, to supply, to supply oneself
- provenir - to come from, to stem fromm
- pudrir - to rot, to putrefy, to corrupt
- pulverizar - to pulverize
- puntuar - to punctuate, to score
- pararse - to stop
- pasearse - to take a walk
- ponderar - to ponder, consider, weigh
- precipitarse - to rush down
- presenciar - to witness
- profanar - to profane, desecrate
- picotear - chop
- preocuparse - worry
- premeditar - premeditate
- propulsar - propel
- procurarse - purchase
- pulular - teem
- polarizar - polarize
- posibilitar - enable
- personificar - impersonate
- pavimentar - pave
- particular - business deal
- plisar - pleat
- perpendicular - orthographical, perpendicular, upright, vertical
- promulgar - enact
- presidir - preside
- prorrogar - extend
- propender - incline, tend, tilt
- prepararse - ready (get ~)
- popularizar - popularize
- ponerse - put on (clothes), commence
- predestinar - foreordain
- par - pair
- predeterminar - predetermine
- parecerse - resemble
- proliferar - proliferate
- prefabricar - prefabricate
- pizcar - nip, pinch
- peculiar - particular
- preordenar - foreordain
- plagiar - plagiarize
- pilar - pillar, pillars
- pulmonar - pulmonary
- popar - caress
- púlsar - pulsar
- prefijar - preset
- poderse - can (v)
- pulimentar - flatten, smooth
- probarse - try on
- pudrirse - putrefy
- prorratear - apportion
- perderse - lose, lose one's way
- pulgar - thumb
- pertrechar - equip
- puntear - stipple
- porrear - discommode, vex
- pleitear - litigate
- prosperar - thrive
- petrificar - petrify
- pisotear - trample
- privatizar - privatize
- primar - primate
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