Spanish Verbs Beginning with R
Click on a verb below for the full verb conjugation, example sentences, and translation:
- realizar - to achieve, attain, accomplish, realize
- rechazar - to reject; to push back, repel
- recibir - to receive; to welcome, greet
- reciclar - to recycle; to retrain [a person]
- recoger - to pick up
- recomendar - to recommend
- reconocer - to recognize
- recordar - to remember, remind
- reducir - to reduce
- regalar - to give [as a gift]; to present; to give away; to treat royally, pamper
- regar - to water, irrigate, wash, sprinkle, spray
- regatear - to haggle (over), bargain (over)
- regir - to rule, govern, be in charge of, be at the head of
- registrar - to register, record; to search
- registrarse - to register [oneself]
- regresar - to return, go back
- regular - to regulate, adjust, control
- rehusar - to refuse
- reinar - to reign, rule
- reír - to laugh
- renacer - to be reborn
- renovar - to renew; to renovate
- renunciar - to renounce, surrender, resign
- reñir - to quarrel, fight; to scold, tell off, reprimand
- reparar - to repair, mend, restore
- repetir - to repeat
- replicar - to reply, answer back
- reportar - to bring, carry; to obtain; to report, inform; to denounce, accuse
- requerir - to require, need; to request, ask; to send for, call for
- reservar - to reserve; to keep, keep in reserve
- respetar - to respect
- respirar - to breathe, breathe in, inhale
- responder - to respond, answer, reply to
- resultar - to turn out (to be), prove [to be], ensue
- revelar - to reveal, disclose; to develop [film]
- rezar - to pray
- robar - to rob, steal, burgle, break into
- rogar - to plead, beg, ask for
- romper - to break
- rabiar - to rage
- racionar - to ration
- racionalizar - to rationalize
- radicalizar - to radicalize, to intensify
- radicar - to lie (problema)
- radiografiar - to x-ray
- radiotelegrafiar - to radiotelegraph
- raer - to scrape, to smooth
- rajar - to crack, to tear
- ralentizar - to slow down
- rapar - to shave (cabeza)
- raptar - to kidnap
- rascar - to scratch, to scrape, to rasp
- rasgar - to tear
- raspar - to scrape
- rasquetear - to scrape, to groom
- rastrear - to comb (lugar), to track, to trail
- rastrillar - to rake
- rasurar - to shave
- ratificar - to ratify
- rayar - to scratch, to line, to border
- razonar - to reason
- reaccionar - to react
- reajustar - to adjust
- reanudar - to restart, to resume, to renew
- reamar - to rearm
- reaparecer - to reappear
- reasumir - to reassume
- reavivar - to revive
- rebajar - to reduce, to discount, to humiliated
- rebanar - to slice
- rebañar - to mop up (informal)
- rebatir - to refute
- rebelarse - to rebel
- rebobinar - to rewind
- rebosar - to brim
- rebotar - to bounce, to rebound
- rebozar - to coat (huevos)
- rebrotar - to produce, to sprout
- rebuscar - to search carefully
- recalentar - to reheat, to warm over
- recapacitar - to reconsider
- recapitular - to recapitulate
- recargar - to recharge, to overload, to overdecorate
- recetar - to prescribe
- recitar - to recite, to read
- reclamar - to demand, to protest, to complain
- reclinar - to recline
- recuperar - to recover
- redactar - to write
- reemplazar - to replace
- reenforzar - to reinforce
- referir - to refer
- refinar - to refine
- reformar - to reform
- reforzar - to reinforce
- refundir - to recast
- refutar - to refute
- regañar - to scold, to tell off
- regenerar - to regenerate
- reglamentar - to regulate
- regocijar - to delight, to fill with joy
- rehacer - to remake
- reiterar - to reiterate, to repeat
- relanzar - to throw back, to repel
- relatar - to relate, to recount
- rellenar - to refill, to fill with, to fill in
- relumbrar - to dazzle, to sparkle
- remarcar - to emphasize, to underline
- rematar - to liquidate
- remorder - to feel guilty
- remediar - to remedy
- remirar - to look over again
- remitir - to refer, to remit
- remojar - to soak, to steep, to dunk
- remontar - to go up, to move up, to overcome
- remover - to remove
- rendir - to render, to give up
- renegar - to apostatize
- reorganizar - to reorganize
- repartir - to distribute, to allot
- repasar - to check, to go over, to review
- reponer - to replace, to reinstate, to recover
- reproducir - to reproduce
- resecar - to over dry
- resolver - to solve
- restaurar - to restore
- restituir - to restitute, to restore, to return
- resucitar - to resuscitate
- retar - to challenge
- retardar - to slow down, to delay
- retirar - to take away, to retire
- retrasar - to delay, to defer, to retard
- retratar - to paint a portrait
- reunir - to gather, to collect
- revocar - to revoke, to plaster, to abolish
- revolotear - to fly around
- revolver - to turn around
- ridiculizar - to ridicule
- rimar - to rhyme
- rizar - to curl
- rociar - to spray, to sprinkle
- rodear - to surround
- roncar - to snore
- rondar - to patrol, to hang around, to court
- rotar - to rotate, to take turns
- rotular - to label
- rallar - to grate, to shred
- rebelar - to rebel, to revolt
- reblandecer - to soften
- recabar - to manage to obtain, to request
- recaer - to fall, to fall again, to fall back
- recaudar - to take, to collect, to recover
- recluir - to imprison, to lock up, to confine
- recobrar - to recover, to recuperate
- recolectar - to harvest, to gather, to collect
- reconciliar - to reconcile, to make it up
- reconquistar - to reconquer
- reconstruir - to reconstruct, to rebuild
- reconvertir - to reconvert, to restructure
- recorrer - to travel, to walk around, to tour
- recortar - to cut, to trim
- recostar - to lay
- recrudecer - to break down again
- recurrir - to resort to, to turn to
- redimir - to redeem, to ransom
- reelegir - to reelect
- reenviar - to resend, to return, to forward
- reescribir - to write again, to correct a written text
- reexpedir - to reissue
- reflejar - to reflect
- reflexionar - to think, to consider, to reflect
- refrigerar - to cool
- rehuir - to shy away from
- reincidir - to backslide, to relapse
- reintegrar - to refund, to reimburse
- reir - to laugh
- relacionar - to relate, to connect, to put in touch
- relajar - to relax
- relamer - to lick again, to smack one‘s lips
- relevar - to emboss, to relieve, to replace
- relucir - to shine
- remendar - to improve
- remolcar - to tow, to tug, to drag
- remplazar - to replace
- renombrar - to rename
- repensar - to rethink
- replegar - to fold
- reposar - to rest, to lie
- reprender - to reprimand, to scold, to tell off
- representar - to represent
- reprimir - to repress, to check, to repress oneself
- reprobar - to reprove, to disapprove
- reprochar - to reproach
- resbalar - to slide, to skid
- rescatar - to rescue, to save, to recover
- reseñar - to review
- resfriar - to catch a cold
- residir - to reside, to live
- resistir - to resist, to endure, to bear
- resollar - to snort
- resonar - to resonate
- resoplar - to puff
- respaldar - to endorse
- resplandecer - to shine
- restablecer - to restore
- restar - to subtract, to deduct, to reduce
- restregar - to scour, to scrub , to chafe
- restringir - to restrict
- resumir - to sum up, to condense, to summarize
- resurgir - to reappear, to reemerge
- retener - to retain
- retorcer - to wring
- retozar - to frolic, to smooch
- retraer - to retract, to put off, to dissuade
- retribuir - to repay, to recompense, to reward
- retroceder - to go back, to recede
- reutilizar - to re use, to use again
- reventar - to burst
- revertir - to revert
- revestir - to decorate the walls
- revisar - to inspect, to revise, to check
- revolcar - to revolt
- rodar - to roll, to travel
- roer - to gnaw
- ronronear - to purr
- rozar - to touch, to brush
- ruborizar - to blush
- rugir - to roar, to rumble
- recelar - to distrust; =--se de=, to distrust
- recrearse - to amuse one's self
- refrenar - to rein in, stop
- refrescarse - to recuperate, gain new strength
- regalarse - to treat one's self
- repicar - to sound, ring, toll
- retemblar, (ie) - to tremble
- reunirse - to join; reunite, meet again
- revender - resell
- resorber - reabsorb
- realzar - increments, to increase
- relegar - relegate
- recular - flinch
- rehogar - braise
- recompensar - reward
- retocar - freshen, refresh, refreshing
- recauchutar - recap
- repetirse - recur
- reembolsar - repay
- reformatear - reformat
- reconsiderar - reconsider
- revolucionar - revolutionize
- repugnar - hate
- remunerar - remunerate
- reinstalar - reinstall
- rebasar - outgrow
- redondear - roundoff, round off
- reduplicar - reduplicate, redouble
- reabrir - reopen
- rezumar - ooze
- replantar - replant
- recatar - conceal
- reintentar - retry
- refocilarse - gloat
- reiniciar - reboot
- resentirse - resent
- referirse - refer
- renumerar - renumber
- recuperarse - recover
- repatriar - repatriate
- rebajarse - grovel
- revalidar - certify, ratify
- remar - row
- ramificar - branch
- readmitir - readmit
- reagrupar - regroup, resettle
- remodelar - remodel
- reactivar - reactivate
- reirse - laugh at
- reverberar - reverberate
- rarificar - dilute
- reivindicar - claim back, reclaim
- regentar - route
- redoblar - redouble
- ramonear - browse
- reencender - rekindle
- rezumarse - infiltrate
- reasegurar - reinsure
- revaluar - revalue
- reasignar - reallocate
- rembolsar - refund (v), reimburse
- revolcarse - flail
- rezagarse - loiter
- radiar - radiate
- redundar - redound
- rectificar - emend, rectify
- rechinar - gnash, squeak
- regocijarse - exult
- reconstituir - reconstitute, recontruct
- reestructurar - rearrange, restructure
- recopilar - compile
- reinvertir - reinvest
- reabastecer - restock
- recriminar - disburden, disencumber, exonerate
- reclutar - recruit
- reencarnar - reincarnate
- redibujar - redraw
- recomenzar - recommence
- redistribuir - redistribute
- rasar - round down, wipe off
- repesar - reweigh
- roncear - dawdle, loiter
- retractarse - recant, retract
- rentar - rent (v) (n), yield
- resarcirse - recoup
- rezagar - bereave
- refractar - refract
- rejuvenecer - rejuvenate
- rumiar - ruminate
- refrescar - freshen, refresh
- reafirmar - reaffirm
- reacondicionar - recondition
- repintar - repaint
- recrear - re-create, recreate
- retomar - retake
- relajarse - relax
- retumbar - din, thud, to drone
- reanimar - reanimate
- rendirse - give in, give up, surrender
- repudiar - disavow, disown, repudiate
- rasguear - strum
- rivalizar - emulates, vie
- rehabilitar - reinstate
- rearmar - rearm
- regularizar - regularize
- recalibrar - recalibrate
- regurgitar - regurgitate
Popular Phrase: preterite of conseguir | Conjugated Verb: sobrecargar - overburden, overstress [ click for full conjugation ]