Spanish Verbs Beginning with T
Click on a verb below for the full verb conjugation, example sentences, and translation:
- tapar - to cover; to put the lid on, put the cap on, put the stopper in </I>[a container]; <I>to cover up, hide, conceal
- tardar - to delay, take a long time, be long, be slow [in doing something]
- temer - to fear
- tener - to have (preterite: to get, to receive)
- terminar - to finish, end
- tirar - to throw, hurl; to shoot, fire; to throw away; to pull [out]
- tomar - to take, drink
- torcer - to twist, bend, warp, wring, sprain
- toser - to cough
- trabajar - to work
- traducir - to translate
- traer - to bring; to get, fetch; to carry
- tragar - to swallow, drink up, gulp down; to absorb, soak up; to put up with
- tratar - to treat, handle
- triunfar - to triumph, win
- tropezar - to trip, stumble, slip up
- tabicar - to wall up
- tablear - to pleat
- tabletear - to rattle
- tabular - to tabulate
- tachar - to cross out
- taclear - to tackle
- tajar - to slice
- tajear - to slash
- taladrar - to drill
- talar - to cut down
- tallar - to sculpt, to cut, to carve
- tamizar - to sieve
- tañer - to play music, to play
- tapizar - to uphoster, to hang tapestry
- tartamudear - to stutter, to stammer
- teclear - to type, to key, to play the piano
- tejer - to knit, to spin, to weave
- telefonear - to telephone
- telegrafiar - to telegraph, to cable a telegram
- temblar - to shake
- tender - to spread out
- tentar - to tempt
- teorizar - to theorize
- testificar - to testify
- testar - to make a will, to testament
- titular - to title, to entitle
- tocar - to touch, to play (instrument)
- tolerar - to tolerate
- torturar - to torture, to torment
- tostar - to toast
- trabar - to lock, to tie, to join
- traicionar - to betray
- tramitar - to process
- trascender - to extend
- transcribir - to transcribe
- transitar - to journey, to travel, to transit
- transformar - to transform
- transmitir - to transmit, to broadcast
- transpirar - to perspire, to sweat
- transponer - to transpose, to transfer
- transportar - to transport
- tranquilizar - to tranquillize, to calm, to reassure
- tranzar - to trick, to cheat
- trasegar - to decant
- trascolar - to strain
- trasladar - to move, to transfer, to travel
- traspasar - to go, to traspass, to cross
- trastornar - to upset, to disturb
- trazar - to draw, to sketch, to draw up
- trenzar - to braid
- trepar - to climb
- tributar - to pay tribute
- trinchar - to slice
- trillar - to wear out
- triplicar - to triplicate, to triple
- triturar - to crush, to grind
- trizar - to tear to shreds
- trocar - to barter, to exchange, to change
- trocear - to cut, to crack, to chap
- tronar - to thunder, to rant
- tronzar - to slice
- trotar - to trot
- tutear - to address as "tú", to be in familiar terms
- turbar - to disturb
- tumbar - to knock down, to lie down
- templar - to temper
- teñir - to dye
- tergiversar - to distort, to twist
- tiranizar - to be a tyrant
- titubear - to hesitate, to stammer
- torear - to fight a bull, to dodge, to make fun of
- tornar - to return, to become
- traficar - to deal, to trade, to pass
- transbordar - to transfer, to transship
- transcurrir - to pass, to elapse
- transferir - to transfer
- transfundir - to tranfuse, to transmit, to spread
- transgredir - to break
- transmutar - to transmute
- trasgredir - to transgress
- traslucir - to show, to reveal
- trasplantar - to transplant
- tasar - appraise
- traumatizar - traumatize
- tiznar - grime
- tremolar - oscillate
- transmigrar - transmigrate
- tintinear - chime, ring the bell
- traslumbrar - dazzle, glare
- transfigurar - transfigure
- tartar - try
- trapalear - chat
- tragarse - swallow
- topar - thrust
- tartalear - waver
- televisar - televise, telecast
- telar - loom
- temblequear - dodder
- tiritar - shiver
- topetar - stumble
- truncar - garble
- timbrar - ring (v)
- tinturar - dye
- trastrocar - confuse
- timar - cheat
- tantear - overturn
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