Spanish Word for cut  

English Word: cut (v) (n)

Spanish Word: cortar, la cortada, cisión
The Spanish Word for cut (v) (n)
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Translated sentences containing 'cut'
I didn't cut my hair that much.
No me corte mucho el pelo.
Don't cut the small trees.
No cortes los árboles pequeños.
The woman has a cut arm.
La mujer tiene una cortadura en el brazo.
I cut my hand.
Me corté la mano.
I cut my knee.
Me corté la rodilla.
to have a hair-cut
cortarse el pelo
They will have cut off our lights for not paying.
Nos habrán cortado la luz por no haber pagado.
Cut the grass and sweep the leaves.
Corte el césped y barra las hojas.
We don't like that you have cut the flowers.
Nos desagrada que tú hayas cortado las flores.
How deep is the cut?
¿Qué tan profunda es la herida?
I don't care if they cut off the telephone.
No me importa que nos corten el teléfono.
We had to cut short our vacation due to the storm.
Tuvimos que acortar las vacaciones debido a la tormenta.
I didn't cut it very short.
No me lo corte muy corto.
The wind cut down several trees in my neighborhood.
El viento abatió varios árboles en mi vecindario.
Do you only want him to cut the ends?
¿Sólo quiere que le corte las puntas?
The phone cut off in the middle of a conversation?
¿Se cortó la llamada de teléfono en plena conversación?
You cut your hair.
Te cortaste el pelo.
The cut is severe.
Es una herida grave.
Cut the grass next to the curve.
Corte el césped del borde de la acera.
Cut the ribbon.
Corte la cinta.

Why has that been cut?
¿Por qué se ha recortado?
I have cut you off.
Le retiro la palabra.
We will cut them off.
Las aislaremos.
We have our work cut out.
Nosotros hemos cumplido.
Why would those countries then not be cut off?
¿Por qué no se cortaría el suministro entonces a esos países?
However, here it has been cut out!
Sin embargo, ¡aquí se ha eliminado!
On the contrary, it should be cut.
Por el contrario, debería ser recortado.
You have cut it by 8.2% and you have cut environmental policy by a hefty 28.2%.
Usted la reduce en un 8,2% y la política medioambiental, nada menos que en un 28,2%.
If we could only cut income tax we would then be in a position to cut social security.
Si se procediera únicamente a aliviar esta carga fiscal sobre el trabajo, ello obligaría a llevar a cabo recortes en materia de seguridad social.
(The President cut the speaker off)
(La oradora es interrumpida por el Presidente)
(The President cut the speaker off)
(El Presidente interrumpe a la oradora)
(The President cut the speaker off)
(El Presidente interrumpe al orador).
(The President cut the speaker off)
(La Presidenta retira el uso de la palabra al orador)
(The President cut the speaker off)
(La Presidenta retira la palabra al orador)
(The President cut the speaker off)
(El Presidente interrumpe al orador).
(The President cut the speaker off)
(La Presidenta retira la palabra al orador)
(The President cut the speaker off)
(El Presidente retira la palabra al orador)
(The President cut the speaker off)
(El Presidente interrumpe al orador)
For this very reason, we cannot agree to cut pensions further.
Por esto, no podemos aceptar invitaciones a realizar mayores recortes de las pensiones.
(The President cut the speaker off)
(El Presidente interrumpe a la oradora).
(The President cut the speaker off)
(El Presidente retira la palabra a la oradora)
(The President cut the speaker off)
(El Presidente retira la palabra a la oradora)
(The President cut the speaker off)
(El Presidente retira la palabra a la oradora)
(The President cut the speaker off)
(El Presidente retira la palabra a la oradora)
(The President cut the speaker off)
(El Presidente retira la palabra al orador)
(The President cut the speaker off)
(El Presidente interrumpe al orador)
(The President cut the speaker off)
(La Presidenta retira la palabra al orador)
(The President cut the speaker off)
(La Presidenta interrumpe al ponente)
(The President cut the speaker off)
(El Presidente retira la palabra al orador)
(The President cut the speaker off)
(El Presidente interrumpe al orador)
(The President cut the speaker off)
(El Presidente retira al ponente la palabra)
It is to cut milk subsidies.
Es cortar las subvenciones a la leche.
(The President cut the speaker off)
(El Presidente retira la palabra a la oradora)
(The President cut the speaker off)
(El presidente retira la palabra al orador)
(The President cut the speaker off)
(La Presidenta interrumpe al orador)
(The President cut the speaker off)
(El orador es interrumpido por el Presidente)
(The President cut the speaker off)
(El Presidente interrumpe a la oradora.)
(The President cut the speaker off)
(El Presidente retira la palabra al orador)
(The President cut the speaker off)
(La Presidenta interrumpe al orador)
(The President cut the speaker off)
(Interrupción de la Presidenta)
(Protests and the President cut the speaker off)
(Protestas e interrupción de la Presidenta)
(The President cut the speaker off)
(El Presidente retira la palabra a la oradora)
(The President cut the speaker off)
(El Presidente interrumpe a la oradora)
(The President cut the speaker off)
(El orador es interrumpido por el Presidente)
(The President cut the speaker off)
(El Presidente retira la palabra al orador)
(The President cut the speaker off)
(La Presidenta retira la palabra al orador)
(The President cut the speaker off)
(El presidente quita la palabra a la oradora)
(The President cut the speaker off)
(El Presidente retira la palabra a la oradora)
(The President cut the speaker off)
(La Presidenta retira la palabra al orador)
(The President cut the speaker off)
(El Presidente interrumpe a la oradora)
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