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Verb of the Day Archives

The verbs listed on this page are ones previously featured on the Verb of the Day. Click on any verb below to see its full conjugation.

  • 07/03/2024 - castigar - to punish, penalize, castigate
  • 07/02/2024 - coser - to sew, sew up; to stitch, stitch up
  • 07/01/2024 - enojar - to anger, upset, annoy; to make angry
  • 06/30/2024 - hallarse - to be, to find oneself; to be located, found
  • 06/29/2024 - aplaudir - to applaud, cheer, clap
  • 06/27/2024 - meter - to put [in], place, insert
  • 06/26/2024 - verificar - to verify, check, inspect
  • 06/25/2024 - acercar - to bring near[er], move [something] nearer
  • 06/24/2024 - felicitar - to congratulate
  • 06/23/2024 - fascinar - to fascinate, captivate
  • 06/20/2024 - utilizar - to use, utilize
  • 06/19/2024 - añadir - to add; to increase
  • 06/18/2024 - surgir - to arise, emerge, spring up, come out, appear
  • 06/17/2024 - competir - to compete
  • 06/16/2024 - dormirse - to go to sleep, fall asleep
  • 06/15/2024 - levantar - to raise, to lift
  • 06/14/2024 - valer - to be worth
  • 06/13/2024 - influir - to influence
  • 06/12/2024 - insistir - to insist
  • 06/11/2024 - apostar - to bet, wager
  • 06/10/2024 - rehusar - to refuse
  • 06/09/2024 - brindar - to toast
  • 06/08/2024 - componer - to compose, make up, put together
  • 06/07/2024 - inducir - to induce
  • 06/06/2024 - abrazar - to hug, embrace
  • 06/05/2024 - bendecir - to bless, foretell, forecast
  • 06/04/2024 - quebrar - to break, smash; to fail, go bankrupt
  • 06/03/2024 - durar - to last, go on, continue
  • 06/02/2024 - cancelar - to cancel; to wipe out, write off [debt]
  • 06/01/2024 - burlarse [de alguien/algo] - to mock, ridicule, make fun of [someone/something]
  • 05/31/2024 - confesar - to confess
  • 05/30/2024 - ejercer - to exercise, wield [power, influence, etc.]; to practice [a profession]; to manage, conduct [a businsess]
  • 05/29/2024 - lanzar - to throw, hurl, cast, fling
  • 05/28/2024 - decir - to say, tell
  • 05/27/2024 - resultar - to turn out (to be), prove [to be], ensue
  • 05/26/2024 - encender - to burn, light, turn on
  • 05/25/2024 - dedicarse - to devote oneself, dedicate oneself, go in for, take up [carrer/interest in something]
  • 05/24/2024 - desear - to desire, want, wish
  • 05/23/2024 - maquillarse - to put on make-up [on oneself]
  • 05/22/2024 - deber - to owe; must, should, ought to
  • 05/20/2024 - destruir - to destroy
  • 05/19/2024 - salvar - to save, rescue; to except, exclude
  • 05/18/2024 - nadar - to swim
  • 05/17/2024 - tropezar - to trip, stumble, slip up
  • 05/15/2024 - desarrollar - to develop, expand; to unroll, unwind; to unfold
  • 05/14/2024 - entrevistar - to interview
  • 05/13/2024 - dibujar - to draw, sketch, depict
  • 05/12/2024 - tragar - to swallow, drink up, gulp down; to absorb, soak up; to put up with
  • 05/11/2024 - vender - to sell
  • 05/10/2024 - sustituir - to substitute, replace
  • 05/09/2024 - derretir - to melt, liquefy, thaw
  • 05/08/2024 - provocar - to provoke
  • 05/07/2024 - cruzar - to cross
  • 05/05/2024 - calentar - to heat [up], warm [up]

Popular Phrase: ola spanish for hello | Spanish Language Games | Conjugated Verb: burbujear - to bubble [ click for full conjugation ]