Sentence Maker: understand  

The Sentence Maker allows you to enter a word or phrase in the text box below and retrieve translated sentence pairs (English and Spanish) containing that word/phrase. This tool is great for seeing how words are used in a natural context.
Yes, he will speak very clearly. We will understand him when he speaks.
Sí, él hablará muy claramente. Lo podremos entender cuando hable él.
Before, I didn't speak Spanish but I could understand it a little because I lived near the Mexican border.
Antes, yo no hablaba español, pero lo entendía un poco porque vivía cerca de la frontera mexicana.
Don't you understand something?
¿No entiende algo?
Yes, they hear but they don't understand.
Sí, ellas oyen, pero no entienden.
I understand the suffering of this sick person
Yo entiendo el sufrimiento de éste enfermo.
The boys will understand the lesson if the teacher explains it again.
Los muchachos comprenderán la lección si el profesor la explica otra vez.
The boys would understand the lesson if the teacher explained it again.
Los muchachos comprenderían la lección si el profesor la explicara otra vez.
I don't understand.
No comprendo.
Did everybody understand the assignment?
¿Todos entendieron la tarea?
I understand, trucks over here.
Ya entiendo, camionetas por aquí.
They understand each other very well.
Ellos se entienden muy bien.
Do you understand?
I couldn't understand what he was saying.
No pude entender lo que decía.
Explain it to me again because I didn't understand.
Explícamelo otra vez que no lo he entendido.
When they were young children they could not understand it but now they can.
Cuando eran niños no pudieron entenderlo pero ahora sí pueden.
Sorry, I don't understand, could you repeat that?
Lo siento, no entiendo, ¿podría repetir eso?
Whether he doesn't understand, whether he doesn't want to understand...
Sea que no lo entiende, sea que no quiere entenderlo...
They will not understand anything.
No entenderán ni jota.
I didn't understand what the lawyer said.
Yo no comprendí lo que el abogado dijo.
Did you understand what the lawyer said?
¿Comprendiste lo que el abogado dijo?
Mr. García didn't understand what the lawyer said.
El señor García no comprendió lo que el abogado dijo.
We didn't understand what the lawyer said.
Nosotros no comprendimos lo que el abogado dijo.
The gentlemen didn't understand what the lawyer said.
Los señores no comprendieron lo que el abogado dijo.
When I was in course one I couldn't understand my friends, but now I understand them.
Cuando estaba en el primer curso no les entendía a mis amigos, pero ahora sí les entiendo.
Try to make sure that the customers understand our position.
Traten ustedes de que los clientes entiendan nuestra situación.
If you all had attended the concert, you would understand.
Si hubierais asistido al concierto, comprenderíais.
I don’t understand. Please repeat.
No entiendo. Repita por favor
Sometimes, I don't understand the teacher.
A veces yo no comprendo al profesor.
As if they had spoken something that they had not been able to understand.
Como si hubieran hablado algo que ellos no pudieron comprender.
I don't speak Spanish but I understand a little.
No hablo español pero entiendo un poco.
I'm sorry, I didn't understand your name; can you repeat it please?
Lo siento, no entendí su nombre; ¿puede repetirlo, por favor?
Didn't you understand what he said?
¿No entendiste lo que dijo?
Carlos doesn't think that Luis will understand the TV show.
Carlos no cree que Luis comprenda el progama de televisión.
You all try to understand the Spanish text.
Ustedes intentan comprender el texto español.
We don't understand the lessons.
Nosotros no comprendemos las lecciones.
We understand the reading.
Nosotros entendemos la lectura.
I was asking him to try to directly understand the Spanish text.
Le pedía que intentara comprender directamente el texto español.
They understand the teacher.
Ellos comprenden al profesor.
Yes, I understand the weather situation.
Sí, yo entiendo la situación del clima.
I don't understand, why aren't the neighbors closing the windows?
Yo no entiendo, ¿Por qué los vecinos no cierran las ventanas?
you understand
tú entiendes
Yes Ma’am, I understand.
Sí señora, entiendo.
No Ma’am. I understand everything.
No señora. Comprendo todo.
Do it this way. Do you understand?
Hágalo así. ¿Comprende?
Do you understand?
Do you understand the design?
¿Entiende el diseño?
I understand that you are upset sir.
Yo comprendo que usted esté molesto señor.
I understand your concern, what do you think would be fair?
Entiendo su preocupación ¿qué cree usted que sería justo?
The teacher will explain the lesson if the students don't understand.
El profesor explicará la lección si los alumnos no comprenden.
Modern art isn't easy to understand.
El arte moderno no es fácil de entender.
Do you understand what I am telling you?
¿Entiendes lo que te digo?
Do you understand what I'm trying to tell you?
¿Entiendes lo que trato de decirte?
Some people are afraid of what they do not understand.
Algunas personas tienen miedo de lo que no entienden.
I understand what the doctor says.
Yo entiendo lo que dice el doctor.
We understand everything about the illness.
Nosotros entendemos todo sobre la enfermedad.
They understand the importance of that operation
Ellos entienden la importancia de esa operación.
You understand the condition of the patient
Tú entiendes la condición del paciente
We understand the attitude of the patient
Nosotros entendemos la actitud de la paciente
They understand the risk of this illness.
Ellos entienden el riesgo de ésta enfermedad.
I understand. There is no problem
Entiendo, no hay problema
The boys don't understand the lesson.
Los muchachos no comprenden la lección.
The boys didn't understand the lesson.
Los muchachos no comprendieron la lección.
I didn't understand the word
No he comprendido esta palabra
I only understand my mother tongue.
Yo sólo entiendo mi lengua materna.
Do you understand what the president is saying?
¿Entiendes lo que dice el presidente?
I'm sorry, I don't understand. Could you repeat that, please?
Lo siento, no entiendo. ¿Podría repetir eso por favor?
I don't understand how you can sleep so long.
No comprendo cómo puedes dormir tanto.
I don't understand what Peter is saying.
No entiendo lo que Pedro dice.
I understand John because he speaks slowly.
Yo entiendo a Juan porque el habla despacio.
Mary doesn't understand the teacher.
Maria no entiende a la maestra.
He didn't understand the lesson.
El no entendió la leccion.
If you translate it, you will understand it.
Si lo traduces lo entenderás.
No, we couldn’t but now we can speak it a little and we can understand a lot.
No, no pudimos ahora sí podemos hablarlo un poco y podemos entender mucho.
Try to understand our position.
Traten ustedes de entender nuestra situación.
I don’t understand your customs.
No entiendo tus costumbres.
The doctor can't understand why Amalia doesn't want to lose weight.
Al doctor le ha extrañado mucho que Amalia no quiera adelgazar.
Do you understand German?
¿Entiende usted alemán?
He is not able to understand.
El no puede comprender.
I don't understand you when you use technical terms.
No te entiendo cuando hablas usando términos técnicos.
You don't understand the significance of the saying.
No has entendido el significado del dicho.
I don't understand what is going on.
No comprendo que es lo que está pasando.
She doesn't understand what is going on.
Ella no comprende que es lo que está pasando.
The teacher would explain the lesson if the students didn't understand.
El profesor explicaría la lección si los alumnos no comprendieran.
I do not understand what he says.
No comprendo lo que dice.
Give me the instructions! I don't understand the rules of this game.
¡Dame las instrucciones! No entiendo las reglas de este juego.
Yes, he speaks very clearly. We can understand him when he speaks.
Sí, él habla muy claramente. Lo podemos entender cuando habla.
If you guys were to live in my town then you would understand what I say.
Si vivierais en mi pueblo comprenderíais lo que digo.
I do not understand why.
No lo entiendo.
I do not understand this.
Es algo que no comprendo.
I do not understand it.
No lo entiendo.
I do not understand this.
No lo entiendo.
I do not understand this.
No lo entiendo.
I cannot understand it any more.
Ya no lo entiendo.
I do not understand it.
No lo entiendo.
That is as I understand it.
Así lo he entendido.
I do not understand this.
Esto no lo entiendo.
Do you not understand this?
¿No lo entienden?
I do not understand that.
No lo comprendo.
No, she did not understand it at all.
No, no lo entendió en absoluto.
I do not understand it, but there it is.
No lo entiendo, pero es así.
How are we to understand this?
¿Cómo debemos entender esto?
I do not understand that.
No lo entiendo.
We have to understand this.
Tenemos que entender eso.
I do not understand why.
No entiendo por qué.
I do not understand it!
I cannot understand this at all.
Para mí esto resulta incomprensible.
I do not understand that.
No lo entiendo.
I understand why they do that.
Entiendo por qué se hace.
I do not understand it.
Presidente, eso es algo que yo no entiendo.
I do not understand it!
No le entiendo.
If only we could understand this once and for all.
Ojalá lo comprendamos de una vez.
Unless we understand this, we cannot understand what has been achieved there.
Si no se llega a comprender esto, no se puede entender lo que hemos hecho en esa región.
I do not understand the problem.
No entiendo este problema.
I understand why it is happening.
Comprendo bien por qué sucede eso.
How are the markets to understand it?
¿Cómo van a interpretarlo los mercados?
I really do not understand at all.
Yo, realmente, no entiendo nada.
That is something I cannot understand.
No lo entiendo.
So I cannot understand the rush.
Por tanto, no entiendo esta prisa.
'How have you come to understand that?'
"Pero ¿cómo te has dado cuenta?"
To be honest, I cannot understand it.
La verdad, es algo que no puedo comprender.
I fail to understand why.
Y no comprendo por qué.
We must understand all of this.
Todo eso tenemos que entenderlo bien.
We do not understand that here, and nor does the public.
Eso no se comprende ni aquí ni en la calle.
I just cannot understand that.
Simplemente no lo entiendo.
I understand why but I am not happy about it.
Entiendo los motivos que han llevado a ello, pero no me agrada el hecho.
I do not understand why we should consult again.
No entiendo por qué deberíamos consultar de nuevo.
I simply do not understand it.
Sencillamente, no lo entiendo.
I do not understand the Council.
No entiendo al Consejo.
I really cannot understand this.
De verdad que no lo entiendo.
I understand what you are doing and I have confidence in it.
Entiendo lo que está usted haciendo y tengo confianza en ello.
This is not difficult to understand.
Esto no es difícil de entender.
I just do not understand this.
Simplemente no lo entiendo.
I fail to understand that.
No lo entiendo.
That is what people cannot understand.
Eso es lo que los ciudadanos no pueden entender.
That is something I understand.
Eso lo entiendo.
They need to understand that.
Tienen que entenderlo.
We simply do not understand it.
Lo desconocemos.

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