Spanish Sentences using es  

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¡Es tan bueno!
He's so nice!
Ella es guapa.
She is pretty.
Es el tuyo.
It's yours.
Es para ella.
It's for her.
La casa es nuestra.
The house is ours.
El marcador es nuestro.
The marker is ours.
La alfombra es nuestra.
The carpet is ours.
El carro es pequeño.
The car is small.
El reloj es suyo.
The watch is his.
¿Quién es?
Who is it?
¿Cuál perro es tuyo?
Which dog is yours?
¿Cuál es su...?
What/which is your...?
Ud. es alto.
You are tall.
Es medianoche.
It's midnight.
El perro es negro.
The dog is black.
Es la verdulera.
It is the greengrocer.
El camión es grande.
The truck is big.
La silla es amarilla.
The chair is yellow.
Es la ley.
It's the law.
No es mi cuaderno, es de él.
It's not my workbook, it's his.
El banano es amarillo.
The banana is yellow.
¿Quién es María?
Who is Maria?
Es roja.
It's red.
¿Quién es Leticia?
Who is Leticia?
Mañana es miércoles.
Tomorrow is Wednesday.
¿Qué es esto?
What is this?
Sí, es mía.
Yes, it is mine.
¿Quién es ese?
Who is that?
La cereza es roja.
The cherry is red.
¡Qué soso es!
How dull he is!
No, es dura.
No, it is hard.
Es pulsante.
It's palpitating.
¿De qué color es la flema? ¿Es clara, es amarilla?
What's the color of the phlegm? Is it clear, yellow?
Es mía...
It's mine...
Es severo.
It is severe.
¿Es alérgico a algo?
Are you allergic to anything?
¿A qué es alergico?
To what are you allergic?
De qué es?
What is in this?
Esta es tuya.
This is yours.
El huerto es grande.
The orchard is big.
Es punzante.
It's stabbing.
¿Eso es interesante?
Is that interesting?
¿Qué hora es?
What time is it?
Es muy interesante.
It is very interesting.
La roca es dura.
The rock is hard.
Pedro es español.
Peter is Spanish.
Mi novia es morena.
My girlfriend is brunette.
Es que...
It is because...
¿Quién es él?
Who is he?
Mi madre es dentista.
My mother is a dentist.
Es peruano, ¿verdad?
He is Peruvian, isn’t he?
Mi esposa es doctora.
My wife is a doctor. (feminine)
Su placa no es válida.
Your plate is not valid.
Mi hermano es cómico.
My brother is funny.
Es opresivo.
It's a pressure.
Juan es grande.
Juan is big.
Mi esposa es doctora.
My wife is a doctor. (feminine)
Es importante.
It's important.
Es verde.
It's green.
Este regalo no es mío; es para ti.
This gift is not mine; it's for you.
Es una emergencia.
It's an emergency.
Y ¿qué son estos?
What are these?
Mi novia es rubia.
My girlfriend is blonde.
Mi esposa es policía.
My wife is a policewoman.
Mi padre es cocinero.
My dad is a cook.
La almohada es pesada.
The pillow is heavy.
Es temprano.
It's early.
¿Qué hora es?
What's the hour? (What time is it?)
Es de ella.
It's hers.
No sé de quien es.
I don't know whose this is.
Es quemante.
It's burning.
Es para...
It is for...
Mi dirección es...
My address is...
Es agudo.
It's acute.
Es directo.
It's direct.
¿Qué es?
What is it?
¿Qué hora es?
What time is it?
Es material peligroso.
It’s hazardous material. (masculine)
El perro es negro.
The dog is black.
Me imaginé, es bien linda.
I thought so, she's really pretty.
La motoneta es linda.
The scooter is pretty.
Es el mediodía.
It's noon.
Es la medianoche.
It's midnight.
Es la una.
It's one o’clock.
Mi cuñado es maestro.
My brother-in-law is a teacher.
La almohada es suave.
The pillow is soft.
Es tarde.
It's late.
Es demasiado caro.
It's too expensive.
Es tranquilo.
It's calm.
Mi hermana es piloto.
My sister is a pilot.
Él es aviador y ella es turista.
He is a pilot and she is a tourist.
Maria no es gorda, es flaca.
Maria is not fat, she is thin.
¿Qué es importante?
What is important?
¿Cuál es la llave?
Which is the key?
No, él es el botones.
No, he is the bell boy.
Hoy es jueves.
Today is Thursday.
¿Quién es ese hombre?
Who is that man?
Es constante.
It is constant.
Es suyo.
It's yours.(formal)
Es hermosa.
She's beautiful.
No es temeridad, es sevicia.
It is not recklessness it is ruthlessness.
¿Es así? ¿No es así?
Did this happen or not?
¡Es falso! ¡Es falso!
This is wrong, simply wrong!
Es «difamar», ¿no es así?
It is ‘defaming’, is it not?
Es decir, es justo.
That is to say, it is only right.
No es opcional, es obligatorio.
It is not an option, it is mandatory.
No es cierto, no es así.
It is not true and it is not so.
¿Es o no es sistemático?
Is it systematic or not?
Es corto, es incisivo y es directo.
It is short, sharp and to the point.
Esto es trágico, es deplorable, es vergonzoso.
It is tragic, it is deplorable, it is shameful.
¡No es así!
This is not the case!
No es obvio.
There is no obvious way.
Es normal.
That is a fact of life.
No es verdad.
That simply is not true.
¡No es casualidad!
It was not by chance at all!
No es así.
There do not seem to be any objections.
No es cierto.
That is not the case.
No es así.
This is not the way things are done.
No es posible.
It is quite out of the question.
No es cierto.
That is not the case.
No es necesario.
There is no need for it.
No es así.
This is not the case.
No es fácil.
It is not an easy task.
Es demencial.
What planet do we think we are on?
Es positivo.
This is to be welcomed.
Es importante.
This is far from unimportant.
No es fácil.
It is far from simple.
No lo es.
Nice is not essential for enlargement.
Es lamentable.
That is something I regret.
¡No es así!
Things are not like that.
¡Es imposible!
That would just not be on.
No es suficiente.
No, that is not enough.
¿No es así?
Is that not the truth?
No, no es así.
No, that is not the case.
«¡Es natural!
'But of course we are!
Es trágico.
This is a tragic waste.
No es suficiente.
That really is not good enough.
No es suficiente.
That really is not good enough.
Así es.
That is the way it is.
No es cierto.
That is not the case.
No es cierto.
That is not the case.
   – Así es.
   That is the case.
¡Es demasiado!
This is three thousand too many!
No es suficiente.
It is not good enough.
No es poco.
That is no small thing.
Es difícil, ¿no?
It is difficult, is it not?
Es falso.
It is not true that it would do so.
No es así.
That is not the case.
No es así.
This is not the case at all.
Eso es.
That is what is needed.

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