Imperfect - Verb Ir - to go  

Spanish Grammar Imperfect Tense Verb Ir - to go

The verb ir (conjugation) means "to go". It is completely irregular in the imperfect tense.

yo iba I was going
ibas you were going
Ud./él/ella iba you/he/she was going
nosotros/as íbamos we were going
vosotros/as ibais you were going
Uds./ellos/ellas iban you all/they were going

Yo iba a la playa.
I was going to the beach.

¿Quiénes iban con él?
Who were going with him?

No, no todos iban.
No, not all of them were going.

Iba a recogerlo.
I was going to get it.

In addition to meaning "was or were going", the translation can also be "used to go". The context of the sentence will determine the precise meaning.

Yo iba a la playa.
I used to go to the beach.

No, no todos iban.
No, not all of them used to go.

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