Spanish Sentences using balsa  

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Nosotros saldremos de la isla luego de que llegue la balsa.
We will go out of the island after the rast arrives.
Por cierto, se acaba de romper una balsa con cianuro en Rumania amenazando acuíferos que abastecen a la población de Yugoslavia.
In fact, a reservoir containing cyanide has just burst its banks in Romania, threatening aquifers which supply the population of Yugoslavia.
Estaba claro que una balsa con tanta cantidad de productos peligrosos, cerca de un parque natural como Doñana, podía causar un accidente en cualquier momento.
It was obvious that a reservoir containing such a large quantity of dangerous products near to a natural park such as Doñana could cause an accident at any time.
En este momento, el Presidente Prodi está corriendo el riesgo, porque tiene muy buenos comisarios, de estar casi solo como "en la balsa de la Medusa" al final de la legislatura.
Because he has very good Commissioners, President Prodi is at risk of almost always being ‘on the raft of Medusa’ at the end of the term of office.

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