Spanish Sentences using dice  

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Él dice que quiere que se lo des hoy.
He says that he wants you to give it to him today.
Yo me pondré molesto si Juan dice mentiras.
I will get angry if Juan tells lies.
Tú te pondrás molesto si Juan dice mentiras.
You will get angry if Juan tells lies.
María se pondrá molesta si Juan dice mentiras.
Mary will get angry if Juan tells lies.
Juan dice que le gusta la música.
John says that he likes the music.
Nosotros nos pondremos molestos si Juan dice mentiras.
We will get angry if Juan tells lies.
Las muchachas se pondrán molestas si Juan dice mentiras.
The girls will get angry if Juan tells lies.
¿Cómo se dice?
How does one say?
María dice que a ti te encanta el pavo.
Mary says that you really love turkey.
María dice que a ella le encanta el pavo.
Mary says that she really loves turkey.
María dice que a ti te encantan los fideos.
Mary says that you really love noodles.
Juan dice que a María le encantan los fideos.
John says that Mary really loves noodles.
Dice que acompaña a Juan a los toros.
He says that he accompanies Juan to the bullfights.
Dice que las corridas son un espectáculo fabuloso.
He says that the bullfights are a fabulous spectacle.
María dice que a ella le gustó la música.
Mary says that she liked the music.
¿Cómo se dice ... en español?
How does one say ... in Spanish?
Dice que vendrá . Ha dicho que vendría.
He says that he will come. He has said that he would come.
Juan dice que a él le gusta el fútbol.
John says that he likes soccer.
Mamá dice que debo hacer las tareas tan pronto como llegue a casa.
Mom says that I must do homework as soon as I get home.
Mi novia dice que no soy cariñoso.
My girlfriend says that I'm not loving.
Juan dice que él va a estudiar.
John says that he is going to study.
El niño está repitiendo lo que mamá dice.
The boy is repeating what mom is saying.
¡No escuches lo que dice!
Don't listen to what he says!
Esto dice que usted tiene un pago atrasado.
This says you have a late payment.
El Señor García dice que los bonos valen quinientos mil dólares.
Mr. García says that the bonds are worth $500,000.
Oiga usted lo que dice el maestro.
Listen what the teacher says. (you - formal)
El periódico dice que va a hacer frío mañana.
The newspaper says that it is going to be cold tomorrow.
Él no dice nada, y tú, ¿qué dices?
He doesn't say anything, and you, what do you say?
El periódico dice que mañana va a haber nieve.
The newspaper says that tomorrow it going to be snowy.
Dice que le presta su cacharro.
He says that he will loan you his puppy.
Dice que no puede dejar de verlo.
He says he can't stop looking at it.
El bebé no dice nada.
The baby doesn't say anything.
El periódico dice que mañana va a llover.
The newspaper says that tomorrow it's going to rain.
Dice que no sabe por qué pintan.
He says that he doesn't know why they are painting.
La enfermera dice que tengo fiebre.
The nurse says that I have a fever.
La enfermera dice que Juan tien fiebre.
The nurse says that John has a fever.
Juan dice que le dolió la garganta.
John says that his throat hurt.
Juan dice que él te conoce.
John says that he knows you.
Juan dice que él no sabe si María te conoce.
Juan says that he doesn't know if María knows you.
Mamá dice que ella me va a dar una pastilla ahora.
Mom says that she is going to give me a pill now.
Juan dice que no le gustan las pastillas.
John says that he doesn't like the pills.
María dice que ella tomó la medicina.
Mary says that she took the medicine.
El dice que las pastillas tienen un sabor amargo.
He says that the pills have a bitter taste.
Se lo dice.
It is said.
El niño está repitiendo lo que mamá dice.
The boy is repeating what mom says.
Juan me dice que se lo diste ayer.
John tells me that you gave it to him yesterday.
¿Cómo se dice "many people" en español?
How does one say "many people" in Spanish?
Dice que debes echarlo a la basura.
He says you must throw it to the trash.
Dice que lo compres.
He says you should buy it.
Dice que lo hagas.
He says you should do it.
Dice que lo tomes.
He says you should take it.
Dice que los periódicos son poco informativos.
He says the newspapers are not very informative.
Dice que tienes que ir a la escuela.
He says you have to go to school.
Ella dice que tiene cáncer.
She says she has cancer
La enfermera dice que esas pastillas son muy buenas.
The nurse says that those pills are very good.
El señor García dice que Juan tendrá que trabajar en la oficina mañana.
Mr. García says that Juan will have to work in the office tomorrow.
Edgar dice que tiene diabetes.
Edgar says that he has diabetes.
Ud. nunca dice la verdad.
You never tell the truth.
El profesor dice que nosotros tenemos que aprender las palabras para el examen.
The teacher says that we have to learn the words for the test.
Juan dice que él no sabe las palabras.
Juan says that he doesn't know the words.
El gobernador, cuyo partido perdió la elección, dice que se va a jubilar.
The governor, whose party lost the election, says that he is going to retire.
Aparte del dolor, usted dice que tiene una acidez.
Aside from the pain, you say you're suffering from heartburn.
La señorita dice que nosotros podemos encontrar camisas en el segundo piso.
The young lady says that we can find shirts on the second floor.
¿Qué dice Antonio ? y tú, ¿qué dices ?
What does Antonio say? And you, what do you say?
Yo me voy a poner molesto si Juan dice mentiras.
I am going to get angry if John tells lies.
Tú te vas a poner molesto si Juan dice mentiras.
You are going to get angry if John tells lies.
María se va a poner molesta si Juan dice mentiras.
Mary is going to get angry if John tells lies.
Nosotros nos vamos a poner molestos si Juan dice mentiras.
We are going to get angry if John tells lies.
Esto dice que usted tiene un pago atrasado.
This says you have a delinquent payment.
Las muchachas se van a poner molestas si Juan dice mentiras.
The girls are going to get angry if John tells lies.
Juan dice que le gusta nadar.
John says that he likes to swim.
Juan dice que a él le duelen los pies.
John says that his feet hurt.
Juan dice que él me va a ayudar.
John says that he is going to help me.
Yo entiendo lo que dice el doctor.
I understand what the doctor says.
María dice que a ti no te apetece el pulpo.
Mary says that you're not really fond of octopus.
El dice que me va a ayudar. (El dice que va a ayudarme.)
He says that he is going to help me.
María dice que Juan está enfermo.
Mary says that John is sick.
El dice que irá.
He says he will go.
María dice que ella me va a dar el dinero.
Mary says that she is going to give me the money.
Ella dice que ella me lo va a dar.
She says that she is going to give it to me.
La policía dice que esas joyas son muy valiosas.
The police say that those jewels are very valuable.
Se dice que esas joyas son muy valiosas.
It is said that those jewels are very valuable.
María dice que ella va a hacer la tarea esta tarde.
Mary says that she is going to do the homework this afternoon.
María dice que los muchachos la rompieron.
Mary says that the boys broke it.
(Yo) creo lo que dice
I believe what he says
La enfermera dice que me va a dar dos pastillas.
The nurse says that she is going to give me two pills.
María dice que los muchachos traen los boletos.
Mary says that the boys are bringing the tickets.
Juan dice que él tiene hambre.
John says that he is hungry.
El guía dice que vamos a viajar a Sevilla.
The guide says that we are going to travel to Sevilla.
María dice que ella lo conoce.
Mary says that she knows him.
Carmen dice que ella va a estudiar.
Carmen says that she is going to study.
María dice que le dolió la pierna.
Mary says that her leg hurt.
¿Entiendes lo que dice el presidente?
Do you understand what the president is saying?
No entiendo lo que Pedro dice.
I don't understand what Peter is saying.
El doctor dice que yo tengo que abrir la boca.
The doctor says that I have to open my mouth.
El doctor dice que él quiere ver mi lengua.
The doctor says that he wants to see my tongue.
María dice que Juan estudia en la biblioteca.
Mary says that John is studying in the library.
María dice que ella te conoce.
Mary says that she knows you.
María dice que ella conoce al hermano de Juan.
Mary says that she knows John's brother.
María dice que a ella le duele la cabeza.
Mary says that her head is hurting.
No dice «deberá».
It does not say 'shall'.
Se dice querer protegerlos.
We say that we want to protect human rights.
¡Eso lo dice todo!
That just goes to show!
Sobre Estrasburgo no dice nada.
It says nothing about Strasbourg.
No avanzará más, según dice.
It will go no further, it says.
En inglés dice así:
In English, it is worded as follows:
¿Qué dice este documento?
What does this document say?
¿Qué dice la gente?
What do the people say?
¿Qué dice usted a esto?
What is your response to this?
Dice esto el Ministro.
That is what the minister says.
La versión inglesa dice «».
The English version says ‘seizure of the infringing goods’.
Lo dice la Comisión.
Those are the words of the Commission.
El texto dice así:
The text reads as follows:
Dice "en cualquier democracia".
It says 'in any democracy'.
¿Qué dice la Comisión?
What does the Commission say?
¿Qué dice el informe?
What does the report say?
Eso lo dice todo.
But that says it all.
¿Eso que nos dice?
What does it tell us?
Comprendo lo que dice.
I understand what you are saying.
¿Esto les dice algo?
Does this say something to you?
¿Qué dice la Comisión?
What does the Commission say?
¿Qué dice el balance?
What does the review say?
Esto dice el informe.
That is what your report suggests.
Lo dice explícitamente.
It says so quite explicitly.
Se dice que participamos.
We are supposed to have a share in decision-making.
No le dice mucho.
It means little to the citizen.
Usted dice: «no más impuestos».
You say 'no new taxes' and you are right.
¿A cuáles les dice que «sí» y a cuáles les dice que «no»?
Which does it say ‘yes’ to and which does it say ‘no’ to?
El Gobierno sudanés ya no dice que no, ahora dice que sí.
The Sudanese Government is no longer saying no. It is now saying yes.
Nos dice: hay solidaridad interregional.
You tell us that there is such a thing as interregional solidarity.
Este informe dice la verdad.
This is a truthful report.
Nadie dice que sea perfecta.
No one pretends that it is perfect.
Usted dice: ahora podéis mirarlo.
"Now you can have a look!" they tell us.
Esto dice el informe Fiori.
That is what the Fiori report says.
Usted me dice que hay resultados.
You tell me that there have been results.
Lo mismo dice la Presidencia.
The Presidency takes the same view.
¡Todo el mundo lo dice!
That is what everyone is saying.
Dice así: ampliación, ampliación, ampliación.
It is 'enlargement, enlargement, enlargement'.
Le leeré lo que dice:
I will read you what it says:
No dice nada sobre otros países.
It does not cover other countries.
   – El aplauso lo dice todo.
   – The applause speaks for itself.
Se dice desde hace siglos.
That has always been the case down the centuries.
Nadie dice nada sobre ella.
Nobody said a word about that.
Pero no dice toda la verdad.
But he is not telling the whole truth.
¿Qué dice exactamente este análisis?
What exactly does this analysis say?
La Comisión también lo dice.
The Commission says so too.
Realmente, eso lo dice todo.
That says it all, really.
Lo dice todo sobre nosotros.
It says everything about us.
Apoyo plenamente lo que dice.
I fully support what he says.
¿Qué nos dice el informe?
What does the report tell us?

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