Spanish Sentences using felizmente
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The Felizmente tenemos el euro.
Luckily, we have the euro.
Felizmente no ha sido así.
Fortunately, it did not do so.
Felizmente, pudimos atajarlas.
I am very glad to say we were able to rebuff those attempts.
Felizmente, las cosas empiezan a cambiar.
Fortunately, things are starting to change.
Felizmente ahora podemos tratar sobre ellos.
Happily now we can discuss them.
Felizmente, estábamos allí para aumentarlo un poco.
It is just as well that we were there to increase it a little.
Felizmente, esta unión inadecuada se deshizo después.
Fortunately, this unsatisfactory link was subsequently broken.
Felizmente, fueron suprimidos en la votación.
Fortunately, they were voted out.
Felizmente, la Comisión ha podido resistir.
Fortunately, the Commission was able to resist.
Felizmente, Portugal presenta una tasa de ejecución relativamente buena.
Fortunately, Portugal has a fairly good take-up rate.
La derecha ha intentado suprimir esos acentos, felizmente sin éxito.
The Right has attempted to remove these emphases, fortunately without success.
Mi homólogo norteamericano ha desmentido felizmente esas previsiones pesimistas.
Fortunately, my American counterpart has disabused us of this pessimistic notion.
Y felizmente este movimiento político me lleva a la Presidencia.
And I am happy to say that this political movement has brought me to the Presidency.
Hoy, felizmente, todos los caminos conducen de nuevo a Roma.
It is good that now all roads lead once more to Rome.
Felizmente, la Comisión presentó hace poco una propuesta en este sentido.
Fortunately enough, during the latter part of this spring the Commission submitted a proposal within this area.
Felizmente se ha superado la fase de enfrentamientos armados, pero queda ahora la reconstrucción.
Fortunately, armed conflict in the region has ended. It is now time to launch the process of reconstruction.
Felizmente, el Consejo ha dado marcha atrás en esa clasificación absurda e inaceptable.
Fortunately, the Council reconsidered this absurd and unacceptable classification.
Pero, felizmente, esas quimeras siguen siendo irrisorias y todavía no se han realizado mínimamente.
Most fortunately, however, these pipe dreams remain laughable and have still not been realised to any extent whatsoever.
Felizmente, se está organizando la resistencia contra el desencanto del mundo.
Fortunately, resistance against the disillusionment of the world is becoming organised.
El recurso ilusorio al segundo pilar propuesto por la Comisión es clara y felizmente rechazado.
The illusory reference to the second pillar proposed by the Commission has clearly and fortunately been rejected.
Felizmente, este Parlamento va a separarse tras haber trabajado sobre esa base.
Happily, this Parliament will separate after working on that basis.
Felizmente, el Consejo Ecofin desmentirá pronto a esos doctrinarios de la estabilidad a cualquier precio.
Fortunately, the Ecofin Council is soon set to disappoint these devotees of stability at all costs.
Felizmente, los trabajadores de los centros europeos afectados, apoyados por sus sindicatos, no han tirado la toalla.
Fortunately, the employees at the European sites affected, supported by their trade unions, have not thrown in the towel.
Se reivindican medidas que felizmente se han tomado hace mucho tiempo.
We are calling for measures that were, fortunately, taken some time ago.
Felizmente, tras el paso del tifón Morakot, la Comisión y el Consejo mostraron su disposición a ayudar.
Happily, after typhoon Morakot hit, the Commission and the Council indicated their willingness to help.
Ahora empezamos a olvidarnos de ella porque salimos, felizmente, de un período de inflación.
We are beginning to forget that now because we are fortunately coming out of a period of inflation.
Felizmente, hoy día, se sabe que 1998 fue un año equilibrado y usted moderó sus pretensiones.
Fortunately, today we know that in 1998 the figures balanced and you agreed to compromise.
Felizmente, durante los debates y los contactos mantenidos, ha tenido lugar una progresiva toma de conciencia.
Fortunately, there has been a gradual raising of awareness during the debates and through contacts.
Era esperanzador ver allí que la oposición serbia comienza felizmente a organizarse.
There was much to see that was encouraging, such as the Serbian opposition, which has got off to an auspicious start.
Existen felizmente hombres que son defensores talentosos y fervientes de los derechos e intereses que tanto nos importan.
Fortunately, there are men who are talented and fervent supporters of the rights and interests that are close to our hearts.
Existieron intentos para convertir este problema en la cuestión principal. Creo que este escollo, felizmente, fue evitado.
Attempts were made to turn this into a major issue, but I think that this trap was, fortunately, avoided.
Así, felizmente, no se ha reproducido en esta ocasión el amarre de la flota que se produjo hace cinco años.
Fortunately, this time, the fleet has not been docked as it was five years ago.
Las conclusiones del Consejo Europeo recuerdan cada vez más las pomposas resoluciones del Soviet Supremo, felizmente desaparecido.
The conclusions of the European Council are increasingly reminiscent of the pompous resolutions of the now fortunately defunct Supreme Soviet.
Felizmente –¿es un regalo de Navidad?– el ponente nos propone esta noche 21 enmiendas transaccionales más o menos satisfactorias.
I am glad to see that this evening – and perhaps this is a Christmas present – the rapporteur is tabling 21 more or less satisfactory compromise amendments.
Es la misma lógica que prevalece en los vuelos chárter europeos que nuestro Parlamento acaba felizmente de rechazar.
Finally, the same can be said of the European charters, which our Parliament has fortunately just rejected.
Un desastre para el Líbano y muchas heridas para Israel, donde los daños, felizmente, han sido menores.
This equates to a disaster for Lebanon and many wounds for Israel, in which there has fortunately been less damage done.
Me abstendré de desvelar su edad, ya que no quiero causar un problema interinstitucional, pero me gustaría desearle que cumpla felizmente muchos más.
I will not mention the age as I do not want to create an interinstitutional problem, but I would like to wish him many happy returns.
Felizmente, sin embargo, dicho periodo ha quedado atrás y, entretanto, hemos llegado a un acuerdo sobre un buen Tratado de Reforma.
Happily, however, that period is behind us and in the meantime we have agreement on a good Reform Treaty.
Nos complace saber que, si todo va bien, este nuestro actual proyecto contribuirá a concluir el proceso felizmente.
We are delighted that, if all goes well, this present draft of ours will help to bring the process to a successful conclusion.
En Washington, con un Gobierno felizmente saliente, que ha alimentado durante años unos elementos de tensión en la región.
Washington, with a happily retiring President, is responsible for having fuelled years of tension in the region.
Por desgracia, ninguno de nosotros vemos, en el debate de hoy, el puerto donde todos podrían echar felizmente el ancla.
Unfortunately, neither do we see in today's debate the port where everybody can happily cast anchor.
El caso del Alto Karabaj -felizmente, al parecer en vías de solución- es un triste ejemplo de ello.
The Nagorno-Karabakh affair is a sad example of this, but it is one that, fortunately, we might hope is being resolved.
Felizmente, sin embargo, esta transferencia no suprime los recursos, por lo que puede apoyarse en todos sus aspectos.
Fortunately, however, this transfer does not eliminate resources, so that it deserves support in all respects.
Esta voluntad contrasta felizmente con la atonía y la melancolía que se deja sentir en otros ámbitos.
This determination very fortunately contrasts with the depression and the moroseness that we deplore elsewhere.
Pienso que, muy a menudo, se han encontrado solos frente a responsabilidades importantes y felizmente hemos contado con ellos.
I believe that, only too frequently, they have found themselves facing important responsibilities alone, and fortunately they were there to do so.
Quiero terminar diciendo que felizmente este informe ha alcanzado unanimidad en la Comisión de Reglamento, Verificación de Credenciales e Inmunidades.
I would like to conclude by saying that, happily, this report has achieved unanimity in the Committee on the Rules of Procedure, the Verification of Credentials and Immunities.
Felizmente, el alto el fuego de 1994 abre la puerta a la negociación que lleva a cabo el Grupo de Minsk.
Fortunately, there has been a cease-fire since 1994 which is opening the way for negotiation, and the Minsk Group is taking charge of this.
En relación a este tema también hay que considerar, naturalmente, que debemos utilizar un armamento que nos permita acabar felizmente con esta guerra.
The same applies here: obviously we have to use weapons systems in order to bring this war in Afghanistan to a successful close.
En cuanto a la inmigración, felizmente, el régimen de sanciones contra los países de origen de los ilegales que algunos gobiernos querían implantar no ha prosperado.
As for immigration, the penalties against illegal immigrants' countries of origin, as advocated by certain governments, were fortunately not approved.
Las enmiendas adoptadas por las comisiones parlamentarias, incluidas las que yo he presentado, han permitido felizmente restaurar el respeto por nuestras legislaciones nacionales.
The amendments adopted by the parliamentary committees, including those that I tabled, have fortunately allowed respect for our national laws to be restored.
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