Spanish Sentences using pensar  

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Ellas pensaban salir con sus amigas.
They were thinking of going out with their girlfriends.
Pienso en ti siempre.
I always think of you.
Vosotros pensabais ir de paseo.
You all were thinking of going for a stroll.
Ellos pensaban conocer la ciudad.
They were thinking about getting to know the city.
Ellos pensaban estudiar más.
They were thinking on studying more.
Pienso que puse mi cartera sobre la caja.
I think I put my wallet on the counter.
Ella pensaba salir de compras.
She was thinking of going shopping.
Piense que usted puede ser quien califique.
Think that you may be the person who qualifyes.
No lo pienses más!
Don't think about it anymore!
¿Te importa mucho lo que piensen los demás de ti?
Do you care what other people think of you?
María quiere que yo piense la respuesta.
Maria wants for me to think the answer.
Yo quiero que tú pienses que voy a llegar.
I want that you think I am going to arrive.
Yo quiero que ella piense si va a estudiar.
I want for her to think if she is going to study.
Nosotros pensemos en el futuro de nuestros hijos.
Let's think about the future of our children.
Pensaré en ella el resto de mi vida.
I will think of her the rest of my life.
Está pensando en terminar su noviazgo.
She is thinking about ending her engagement.
¿Qué piensa usted le causó el ataque?
What do you think caused the attack?
Ha pensado en ella para ese papel.
He has thought of her for that role.
Pensaba en vosotros.
I was thinking about you guys.
Pensó que había pagado todo.
He/she thought he/she had paid everyting.
Pensó que lo tomarían ahora mismo.
He thought they would take it right now.
Pensó que ya se había ido.
He tought he would be gone.
Mauricio pensaba todo el tiempo en el viaje.
Mauricio was thinking all the time about the trip.
Le gusta manejar largas distancias para ver el paisaje y pensar.
He likes to drive long distances in order to see the countryside and to think.
¿Cuál presidente piensa que hizo más para proteger el medio ambiente?
Which president do you think did the most to protect the environment?
No pienses que sin trabajo se vive mejor.
Don't think that without a job live is better.
No pienso aguantar más.
I don't think I can take anymore.
Tú pensaste que no se subiría a la acera.
You thought that it would go up on the sidewalk.
Pensaba ir hoy pero estaba cerrado.
I was thinking about going today but it was closed.
Pensé que ella venía ahora.
I thought that she was coming now.
Pensasteis que tendríamos mucho equipaje.
You all thought that we would have a lot of luggage.
¿Piensa usted que él sea sincero?
Do you think he is sincere?
Juan es más inteligente de lo que tú piensas.
John is smarter than you think.
El piensa en su madre cada día.
He thinks of her mother every day.
¿Qué preferís, pensar algo o celebrar algo?
What do you prefer, to think about something or to celebrate something?
Pensamos mucho en nuestro abuelo.
We think about our grandfather a lot.
Nosotros pensamos viajar a Italia.
We are thinking (planning) on traveling to Italy.
¿Cuándo piensan salir?
When are you all planning on leaving?
Yo creo que es mejor viajar a Brasil.
I think it will be better to travel to Brazil.
¿Por qué piensas eso?
Why do you think that?
¿No pensabas frenar?
Didn't you think about breaking?
¿Cómo piensas vivir sin mí?
How do you think you can live without me.
¿Qué lugares piensa visitar?
What places do you intend to visit?
¿Piensas viajar?
Are you thinking (planning) to travel?
Pienso viajar a Venezuela.
I think (plan) to travel to Venezuela.
Hablar sin pensar es tirar sin apuntar.
Talking without thinking is like shooting without aiming.
Nunca piensa en sus amigos.
He never thinks of his friends.
Tiene pensado ir a vivir a España.
He's thinking of going to Spain to live.
Pienso que no tienen dinero.
I think they don't have money.
Piensas en algo.
You are thinking about something.
No piensas en algo.
You do not think about something.
¿Piensas en algo?
Are you thinking about something?
¿Qué piensa usted que fue lo que causó el ataque?
What do you think caused the attack?
Pensábamos que vendrías con nosotros.
We thought you would come with us.
No olvides que tú vales más que lo que piensas.
Don you forget you are worth more than what you tink
¿Piensan ustedes que vendrá ella a la fiesta? No, no pienso que vendrá ella.
Do you think she will come to the party? No, I do not think she will come.
Pensaste en algo.
You thought about something.
No pensaste en algo.
You did not think about anything.
¿Pensaste en algo?
Did you think about anything?
¿En que pensaste? Pensé en las vacaciones.
What did you think about? I thought about the vacation.
No, no pensé en la clase durante las vacaciones.
No, I did not think about the class during the vacation.
Rafael pensó en su trabajo.
Rafael thought about his work.
¿En qué pensaron ellos?
What did they think about?
Pensarás en algo.
You will think of something.
No pensarás en algo.
You will not think of anything.
¿Pensarás en algo?
Will you think of something?
El que ríe de último, piensa muy despacio.
He who laughs last, thinks very slowly.
Piensen antes de hablar.
Think before speaking.
¿En que pensarás? Pensaré en la lección.
What will you think about? I will think about the lesson.
No son tan geniales como yo pensaba.
They're not as brilliant as I thought.
¿Pensarás en la clase? No, no pensaré en la clase durante el fin de semana.
Will you think about the class? No, I will not think about the class during the weekend.
Piense usted.
You think.
¿Cuándo piensa regresar?
When do you think you will be back?
¿Qué pensaste de su nueva novia?
What did you think of his new girlfriend?
Era natural haber pensado eso.
It was only natural to have thought so.
Era natural que yo hubiera pensado eso.
It was only natural for me to have thought so.
Como si pensar fuera tu fuerte.
As if thinking were your strong point.
Pienso asumir lo que he hecho.
I plan to come to terms with what I have done.
Pensamos en calidad no en cantidad.
We thought about quality not quantity.
Ella pensó que se sentían confortables los sillones.
She thought that the chairs felt comfortable.
Ella piensa comprar ropa.
She is thinking about buying clothes.
Ellos piensan conocer un lugar turístico.
They are thinking to know (visit) a tourist attraction.
Mientras tu piensas nosotros preparamos la comida.
While you think we prepare lunch.
Yo pienso en viajar a Guatemala.
I am thinking of traveling to Guatemala.
¿En qué piensas?
What are you thinking about?
¿En qué pensabas?
What were you thinking about?
El pensaba que se podía hacer más en la Isla.
He thought that more could be done in the island.
tú piensas
you think, you are thinking
Marruecos no es como pensábamos.
Morroco is not the way we thought it was.
Pensaba pasar una temporada en Madrid.
I planned to spend a spell in Madrid.
¿Era como todos pensaban?
Was it the way everybody thought?
Yo pensaba que mi hermano estaba trabajando.
I thought that my brother was working.
Me quedé pensando en ella.
I was left thinking about her.
Tú pensabas ir a la playa.
You were thinking of going to the beach.
Nosotros pensábamos comprar una casa.
We were thinking about buying a house.
Nosotros pensábamos vender fruta.
We were thinking about selling fruit.
No me acordé de la palabra.
I could not remember the word.
Yo pensaba ir a la laguna.
I was thinking about going to the lagune.
Señores, pensemos con la cabeza no con el hígado.
Gentlemen, let's think with our heads not with our livers.
Es necesario que pênseis como equipo.
It is necesary that you think as a team.
Esto da que pensar.
There is room for thought on this matter.
Esto debería hacernos pensar.
This should really make us think.
Hemos de detenernos a pensar.
We have to stop and think.
No sé qué podrían pensar.
I do not know what they can think.
Me gustaría pensar que sí.
I would like to think so.
Da mucho que pensar.
It stimulates a great deal of thought.
Esto da que pensar.
That makes us stop and think.
¡No hay que pensar mucho!
That does not bear thinking about.
Debemos pensar en el futuro.
We should be thinking about the future.
Esto nos da que pensar?
It makes you wonder ...
También deberíamos pensar en ello.
We should also give some thought to that.
Hay que pensar en ellos.
They must be looked after.
Esto nos da qué pensar.
This is food for thought.
Tenemos que pensar en ello.
This is something we should think about.
No debemos pensar únicamente en nosotros.
We should not just think about ourselves.
Esto también da que pensar.
There is food for thought there as well.
¡Debieran pensar en los árboles!
They should think of the trees!
También debemos pensar en ellos.
They, too, deserve our consideration.
Tenemos que pensar en eso.
We have to think about this.
Presidente, nos da que pensar.
Mr President, it makes on think.
¿Qué debemos pensar de ello?
What are we to think?
También esto da que pensar.
That too makes us stop and think.
Son palabras que hacen pensar.
This was also a warning.
En esta materia debemos pensar con creatividad.
We need to be guided by innovative thinking in this area.
¿Por qué no pensar en ayudas directas?
Why not consider direct aid?
Podemos pensar en un sistema de seguro.
We can look into insurance systems.
Es en ellos en quien debemos pensar.
We need to think of them.
Deberíamos pensar más en estos aspectos.
We should be thinking more along these lines.
Estos ejemplos deberían darnos qué pensar.
These examples should give us food for thought.
No hay que pensar en un impuesto europeo.
There is no question of an EU tax.
La Comisión debe pensar en ello.
The Commission should give some thought to this.
Equivale a pensar que los ciudadanos no comprenden.
It is to imagine that the citizens do not understand.
¿Cómo pensar en funcionar con presupuestos anuales?
How could we possibly function with annual budgets?
¿Hay que pensar que no tenemos salida?
Should we conclude that we have no prospect of success?
¿Y qué hemos de pensar de Skoda?
And what are we to think of Skoda?
Tenemos que pensar en todo esto.
We need to think about this.
Es una forma de pensar muy extraña.
This is a very bizarre way of thinking.
Este informe nos da mucho que pensar.
There is much food for thought in this report.
Necesitamos asimismo pensar más a escala regional.
We also need to think more in terms of regions.
Este desequilibrio también da qué pensar.
This imbalance is surely also food for thought.
Me inclino a pensar más bien lo contrario.
I am more inclined to take the opposite view.
Debemos pensar en acciones, no en palabras.
Let us look at actions, not words.
Deberíamos pensar sobre esto con detenimiento.
We should think carefully about that.
No debemos pensar a medio o a corto plazo.
We must not think along medium-term and short-term lines.
Debemos mantener este modo de pensar.
We should continue with this way of thinking.
Pido al Consejo que nos paremos a pensar.
Council, let us step back.
Deberíamos pensar en un 40 % en 2020.
We should be looking at 40% by 2020.
Ahora podemos pensar en cómo modificarlo.
We can now think about how to modify the model.
Tendremos que concentrarnos y pensar detenidamente.
We will have to concentrate and think carefully.
Sólo he querido hacer una invitación a pensar.
I am merely offering food for thought.

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