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Spanish Word: todos

English Translation: all, everybody

Translated sentences containing 'todos'
¡Deja de perseguirme a todos lados!
Quit following me everywhere!
Él juega tenis todos los viernes.
He plays tennis every Friday.
Esa película nos aburrió a todos.
That movie bored all of us.
¿Todos entendieron la tarea?
Did everybody understand the assignment?
Que se vayan todos.
If only all of them would leave.
Every single manufacturer must be able to do that.
Todos distintos, todos iguales.
Everyone is different, everyone is equal.
Enhorabuena a todos.
Congratulations to all of you.
Pero todos.
All of them, that is.
Absolutamente todos.
Absolutely every one of them.
La guerra de todos contra todos.
At the price of all-out, dog-eat-dog warfare.
Todos somos diferentes, todos somos iguales.
Everybody is different, everybody is equal.
Todos para uno y uno para todos.
All for one and one for all.
Gracias a todos ellos y gracias a todos ustedes.
I thank you and them.
Todos estamos de acuerdo.
We all agree on this.
Todos queremos contribuir a ello.
This is something to which we all want to contribute.
¡Todos están convencidos!
They have all been persuaded!
Todos estamos esperándolo.
We are all waiting for this moment.
No voy a citarlos todos aquí.
I will not bore you with the details.
Todos podemos hacerlo.
We can do all of these things.
Nos interesa a todos.
This is in the interests of us all.
Lo saben absolutamente todos.
Absolutely all of them know it.
Nos interesa a todos.
This is in our common interest.
Todos deberíamos denunciarlo enérgicamente.
We should all denounce it vigorously.
Todos somos muy sensibles.
We are all very sensitive.
movilizar a todos los participantes.
to rally all the parties involved.
Amenazan a todos, pues.
In other words, he threatens all and sundry.
Todos podemos colaborar.
We see that we can all cooperate.
Todos pagamos altos impuestos.
We are all highly taxed.
¿Están todos siquiera alfabetizados?
Do they all have even a reasonable level of literacy?
En interés de todos.
They are in the best interests of us all.
Felicidades a todos sus Señorías.
Congratulations to all of you.
Evidentemente, todos queremos crecer.
Obviously, we all want to grow.
Todos lo sabemos.
We are all aware of this.
Ciertamente, no podemos actuar todos.
After all, we cannot all take part.
Todos serán necesarios.
They will all be necessary.
Aquí todos somos iguales.
It means that everyone is equal.
Hasta aquí, todos coincidimos.
On that much we can agree.
Hay que alimentarlos a todos.
They all have to be fed.
Todos son igualmente despreciables.
They are all equally despicable.
En esto todos coincidimos.
We are all agreed on that.
Aquí todos somos iguales.
We are all equal here.
A todos, muchas gracias.
Thank you all very much.
Todos tenemos una responsabilidad.
We all have a responsibility.
¿Solucionará todos los problemas?
Will it solve all our problems?
Entiendo todos estos sentimientos.
I understand all the feelings expressed.
Estamos todos de acuerdo.
We are all in agreement.
¡Todos somos Europa!
All of us are Europe!
No me detendré en todos ellos.
I will not go into them all.
En esto, todos coincidimos.
We are in agreement on that point.
Todos tenemos un compromiso.
We now have a compromise.
Todos compartimos esta responsabilidad.
In this responsibility we all share.
Todos debemos reconocerlo.
We all have to acknowledge the fact.
¿Todos los que quieran?
Everybody who wants to come?
Todos ganaremos en claridad.
That will make things much simpler for everybody.
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  sagrado - sacred
  postoperatorio - postoperative
  tradicionalismo - traditionalism
  transcripción - transcript, transcription
  ferozmente - ferociously, wildly
  empleo - job, post
  honorario - honorary
  auditivo - aural
  ignorante - ignorant, ignoramus, uninformed
  catolicismo - catholicism
  ridículo - ridiculous, ridicule
  depurador - debugger
  objeción - objection
  cabana - cabin, shack
  lánguido - languid
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