Spanish Sentences using algo  

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Creo que le pasa algo.
I think something is happening to him.
regalar algo a alguien
to give something to someone
¿Desea entregar algo al doctor?
Do you want give something to the doctor?
Nos gustaría comer algo.
We’d like something to eat.
¿Vieron ustedes algo más? No, no vimos nada más.
Did you all see anything else? No, we did not see anything else.
Estoy segura de que nunca has visto algo parecido.
I'm sure you've never seen anything like it.
¿Quieren tomar algo ? ¿ Quieren ustedes tomar algo ?
Do you all want to drink something?
¿Tiene algo más barato?
Do you have something cheaper? (masculine)
¿No entiende algo?
Don't you understand something?
Nunca has visto algo parecido.
You have never seen something similar.
Doña Soledad nos había mirado como si quisiera decirnos algo.
Doña Soledad looked at us as though she wanted to tell us something.
Me dijo algo en voz baja.
He told me something in a quiet voice.
No apetecía tomarnos algo.
We didn't feeling like drinking anything.
¿Siente algo en el ojo?
Do you feel something in your eye?
¿Le ocurre algo ?
Is something wrong with him?
¿Algo más?
Something more? Anything else?
¿Desea algo más?
Would you like anything else?
¿Algo más?
Anything else?
A nosotros nos apetecía tomarnos algo.
We felt like drinking something.
¿Se te ocurre algo más?
Can you think of anything else?
¿Han aprendido Uds. algo en este curso?
Have you learned anything in this course?
Quería que le regalaras algo.
She wanted you to give her something.
Algo mejor / Una cosa mejor
something better
Todo el mundo pide algo desesperadamente y nadie encuentra nunca la respuesta.
Everybody is asking for something desperately and nobody ever finds the answer.
aprovecharse de algo
to take advantage of something
¿Significa algo?
Does it mean something?
¿Queda algo de comida en el refrigerador?
Is there still some food in the fridge?
La mezcla de razas es algo indiscutible.
The racial mixture is something indisputable.
¿Es alérgico a algo?
Are you allergic to anything?
¿Te apetecería comer algo dulce?
Would you like to eat something sweet?
Espero que la azafata nos traiga algo de tomar.
I hope the stewardess brings us something to drink.
¿Hay algo vegetariano?
Is there a vegetarian option?
Hay algo kosher?
Is there a kosher option?
Hay algo sin pescado?
Is there something without fish?
Puede que signifique algo importante.
It could be that it means something important.
Estoy buscando algo rápido y espectacular.
I am looking for something fast and spectacular.
algo contra un fuerte dolor de muelas
something for a bad toothache
Ella pregunta algo a la maestra.
She asks the teacher something.
Tú llevas algo rojo.
You wear something red.
Algo cayó al suelo.
Something fell on the floor.
¿Añado algo más al pedido?
Shall I add anything more to the order?
El gatito juega con algo.
The kitten plays with something.
Yo necesito algo blanco.
I need something white.
Tú buscas algo bonito.
You look for something pretty.
Ellas compran algo de comida.
They buy some food.
¿Tendría algo más barato?
Would you have anything cheaper?
Nosotros queremos algo dulce.
We want something sweet.
¿Tiene algo que declarar?
Do you have something to declare?
¿Qué preferís, pensar algo o celebrar algo?
What do you prefer, to think about something or to celebrate something?
Ella sabe algo de inglés.
She knows some English.
Él tiene algo de dinero.
He has some money.
¿Me traerás algo para comer?
Will you bring me something to eat?
Es algo que nos está afectando a todos.
It's something that's affecting us all.
¿Hay algo más barato?
Is there something cheaper? (masculine)
Querría regalarle algo bonito.
I would like to give him a nice gift.
Mamá no permitirá que ustedes se vayan sin comer algo.
Mother won't let you go without eating something.
¿Tiene alguna identificación o algo donde esté su dirección?
Do you have any identification, or something that indicates your address?
Pides algo.
You ask for something.
Ha pasado algo inesperado.
Something unexpected has happened.
No pides algo.
You do not ask for something.
¿Pides algo?
Do you ask for something?
¿Quieres algo de comer?
Would you like something to eat?
¿Hay algo más limpio?
Is there something cleaner?
¿Quieres algo de beber?
Would you like something to drink?
¿Me hará algo? Sí, cómo no, haré cualquiera que me pides.
Will you do something for me? Yes, of course, I will do anything you ask.
¿Hay algo más económico?
Do you have something cheaper?
¿Hay algo más tranquilo?
Do you have something quieter?
Todos traemos algo de sueño.
We are all a little bit sleepy.
Sí, señor. ¿Necesita usted algo más?
Yes, sir. Do you need something more (else)?
La soledad no es algo que me agrade.
Loneliness is not something that agrees with me.
Me gustaría comer algo ligero.
I would like to eat something light.
No es un simple paseo, es algo más complejo.
It's not a simple trail, it's more complex.
Si leyera el libro aprendería algo.
If he would read the book, he would learn something.
Piensas en algo.
You are thinking about something.
En el estanque hay algo extraño.
There is something strange in the pond.
No piensas en algo.
You do not think about something.
¿Piensas en algo?
Are you thinking about something?
Otra cosa / Algo distinto
something else
Quiero algo más barato.
I would like something cheaper.
Estar falto de / carecer de algo
to lack
Su esposo ¿Pero, Ud. recibe algo de dinero? ¿Ud. recibe dinero mensualmente?
Your husband. Do you get any money? Do you receive any money monthly?
acabar por hacer algo
to finally do something
¿Vas a recompensarlo con algo?
Are you going to repay him somehow?
¿Crees que los sueños significan algo?
Do you think dreams mean anything?
Pensaste en algo.
You thought about something.
Algo se quema. ¿Qué es?
Something is burning. What is it?
No pensaste en algo.
You did not think about anything.
Me apetece comer algo calentito.
I would like to eat something a little hot.
¡Hay que hacer algo para terminar a tiempo!
Something's got to be done to finish on time!
¿Pensaste en algo?
Did you think about anything?
En primer lugar, ¿conoces algo sobre nuestra empresa?
First of all, do you know anything about our company?
¿Ha inhalado algo inusual?
Have you inhaled anything unusual?
¿Quiere tomar algo?
Would you like to drink something?
¿Ha comido algo fuera de lo común?
Have you eaten anything unusual?
¿Es alérgica a algo?
Is she allergic to something?
Pensarás en algo.
You will think of something.
No pensarás en algo.
You will not think of anything.
¿Pensarás en algo?
Will you think of something?
¿Tiene usted algo que declarar?
Do you have anything to declare?
Estar falto de / Carecer de algo
to lack something
Algo es algo.
That is something at least.
¿Aprendimos algo?
Did we learn from this?
Añadiré algo.
I will add just one thing.
Hagamos algo.
Let us see some action.
¡Algo absurdo!
Such a situation is absurd!
Algo nuevo, África siempre aportará algo nuevo.
Something new, Africa will always contribute something new.
Estamos inventando algo nuevo.
We are in the process of creating something completely new.
Es algo bonito.
That is a good thing.
Eso ya sería algo.
This would be some achievement.
Quiero añadir algo.
I would, however, like to add something.
Eso tardará algo más.
That will take somewhat longer.
Algo que hoy no hacemos.
That is not, of course, what we are doing at present.
Consiguen algo por nada.
They are getting something for nothing.
¿Tiene algo que modificar?
Is there something that you would like to be corrected?
Algo que respaldamos.
That is something we are able to support.
Significó algo totalmente distinto.
It signified something else entirely.
Hace falta algo más.
It will take a bit more than that to convince people.
Es algo harto importante.
That is of key importance.
Me gustaría añadir algo.
I wish to add some points.
Tenemos que hacer algo.
The problem must be tackled.
Era algo absolutamente normal.
I think that it was perfectly natural.
No es algo usual.
Things like that do not happen all the time.
Como si legitimara algo.
As if it legitimised anything!
Hay algo de eso.
There will indeed be some of that.
Pero añadiré algo más.
But I will add something else.
Limitemos algo las alabanzas.
Let us cut back on it a little.
¿Sabe algo de esto?
Do you know anything about it?
Queríamos algo más.
We really wanted more than that.
Es algo necesario.
This is also required as a matter of urgency.
Es algo que no comprendo.
I do not understand this.
¿Debemos esperar algo más?
Are we to expect anything more?
No podemos inventar algo nuevo.
We cannot invent something new.
Me gustaría añadir algo.
I would add something further.
¿Tiene algo pensado?
What do you have in mind?
Esperábamos algo diferente.
We would have hoped for something different.
Eso es algo fundamental.
This is an essential point.
¿Oyeron ustedes algo?
Did you hear anything in that line?
Todavía me siento algo optimista.
I am still somewhat optimistic.
No estamos ante algo nuevo.
This is not a new issue.
Me parece algo positivo.
This I find a good thing.
Tengo que confesar algo.
I have to get something off my chest.
No podemos aceptar algo así.
That is not something we can live with.
Es algo que no deseo.
That is something I do not want.
Es algo mucho peor.
It is something far worse.
Me parece algo inaceptable.
I see that as being unacceptable.
¿Queda algo por hacer?
Is there anything left to do?
Quisiera decir algo más.
I should like to make one further point.
No podemos tolerar algo así.
We cannot tolerate such a thing.
Había esperado algo mejor.
I had hoped for better.
Quiero también pedir algo.
I do also have a request.

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