Spanish Sentences using lo  

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por lo común
Bueno, se lo llamaré.
OK, I’ll call him for you.
¡Mira lo que has hecho!
Look what you have done!
No lo pienses más!
Don't think about it anymore!
No lo compreís.
You guys don't buy it.
No lo leas
Don't read it.
No lo toméis.
You all don't take it.
No lo tomes.
Don't take it.
No lo quiero.
I don't want it.
Lo dejo, gracias.
I'll leave it, thank you.
No, lo normal.
No, average.
De acuerdo, me lo llevaré.
OK, I'll take it.
Eso no lo sé.
I don't know that.
Lo siento, Oficial.
I am sorry Officer.
Juan se lo dio.
John gave it to her.
Lo/Los tomaré.
I'll take it / them.
Debes creer lo que digo. Cree lo que digo.
You should believe what I say. Believe what I say
a lo mejor
Ellos nos lo dieron.
They gave it to us.
Lo cargé a Internet.
I uploaded it to the Internet.
¿Se lo comió?
Did he eat it?
Cuanto más lo conozco, más lo aprecio.
The more I know him, the more highly I think of him.
Si no lo hago, lo sé hacer.
If I don't do it, I know how to do it.
¿Lo pongo aquí jefa?
Put it here, boss?
Tú tienes lo que busco, lo que deseo.
You have what I am looking for, what I desire.
¡Nunca lo hubiera creído!
I would have never believed it!
Lo han metido en la cárcel, lo cual no me sorprende.
They put him in jail, which doesn't surprise me.
Lo acepta todo.
He accepts everything.
Yo se lo di.
I gave it to her.
A lo hecho pecho.
Don't cry over spilled milk
Yo lo leo.
I read it.
Lo dirá todo.
He will tell him everything.
Os lo agradezco.
I thank you all.
Lo guardáis todo.
You guys keep everything.
Teresa lo lava.
Teresa washes it.
¿Lo hiciste por mí?
Did you do it for me?
Lo sabemos todo.
We know everything.
Aunque lo supiera no los lo diría.
Even if he knew it, he wouldn't tell them.
Ella lo quiere.
She loves him. (Enrique)
Usted no lo conoce.
You don't know him.
Basta que lo digas y lo hacemos.
Just tell us and we will do it.
No lo sabía.
I didn't know it.
Sí, lo sé.
Yes, I know it.
Lo escucha.
He hears it.
Lo siento, pero...
Sorry but...
El estudiante lo repite.
The student repeats it.
Lo comienzan ahora.
They start it now.
¡Lo de Juan y Marta! Nosotras no lo creemos.
Juan and Maria's relationship! We don't believe it.
Se lo dice.
It is said.
Te lo enviamos.
We are sending it to you.
Lo financiaré.
I will finance it.
Si lo pierde lo mato.
If he loses it, I will kill him.
Si lo vemos te lo mostramos.
Is we see it, we will show you.
Yo se lo daré.
I will give it to them.
Lo llaman.
They call him.
Me lo han prestado.
They have loaned it to me.
Te lo he prestado.
I have loaned it to you.
¿Lo ha tenido antes?
Have you ever had it before?
Se lo dimos ayer.
We gave it to them yesterday.
Porque nosotros lo valemos.
Because we are worth it.
Yo te lo daré.
I will give it to you.
Yo te lo di.
I gave it to you.
Sí. Lo oímos.
Yes, we hear it.
Lo que pasa.
What happens.
¿Lo has llamado?
Have you called him?
Lo que ves es lo que consigues.
What you see is what you get.
¿Dónde lo pongo?
Where do I put it?
Lo haré enseguida
I’ll do it right away
¿Harías lo mismo?
Would you do the same?
No lo oí, lo leí en el periódico.
I didn't hear it, I read it in the newspaper.
Lo repitió varias veces.
He repeated it several times.
Lo haría a cualquier precio.
I would do it regardless of the cost.
Si usted nos lo trae, lo arreglaremos inmediatamente.
If you bring it to us, we will fix it immediately.
Si usted nos lo manda, lo arreglaremos inmediatamente.
If you send it to us, we will fix it immediately.
Juan lo perdió.
John lost it.
Lo podré terminar a lo largo del día.
I will be able to finish it during the day.
por lo general
Te lo agradeceré siempre.
I will always be grateful to you.
Lo pasamos bien.
We had a good time.
A lo largo y a lo ancho
far and wide
Lo quiero sin...
I’d like it without...
No lo quiero.
I don't like it.
Lo conozco de vista.
I know him by sight.
Juan, no se lo prestes.
John, don't lend it to her.
¿Se lo puedes dar?
Can you give it to him?
Yo lo voy a ayudar.
I am going to help him.
Yo lo ayudé.
I helped him.
Tú lo llevas
You take/carry it
Yo no lo puedo ayudar.
I can't help him.
Yo lo conozco.
I know him.
¿ Lo conoces?
Do you know him?
No, yo no lo conozco.
No, I don't know him.
Nosotros lo vamos a ayudar.
We are going to help him.
No, yo no lo conozco.
Mary says that she knows John.
Nosotros lo conocemos.
We know him.
Nosotros no lo conocemos.
We don't know him.
No, nunca lo he leido.
No, I've never read it.
Los muchachos lo conocen.
The boys know him.
Los muchachos no lo conocen.
The boys don't know him.
Yo no lo conozco.
I don't know him.
Lo lamento, no lo sé.
I am sorry, I do not know.
No lo creo.
I do not believe so.
No lo creo.
I do not think it is.
Lo lamento.
I can only regret that.
No lo creo.
I do not think so.
No lo creo.
I do not think so.
Lo comprendo.
That is something I can well understand.
No lo creo.
I do not believe it is.
No lo creo.
I do not think so.
¡No lo haremos!
I shall not do this!
No lo entiendo.
That is something I cannot understand.
No lo olvidemos.
Let us not forget that.
Lo lamento.
A new Community bureaucracy is being created, and I deplore it.
Lo lamento.
I can only regret this.
No lo olvidemos.
Let us not forget that.
No lo es.
Nice is not essential for enlargement.
No lo obtuve.
I have not had it.
No lo he obtenido.
I have not received it.
Lo lamentamos.
This is something we deplore.
No lo entiendo.
I do not understand why.
No lo olvidemos.
Let us not forget this fact.
No lo dudo.
I have no doubts about that.
No lo deseo.
That is not what I want.
No, no lo está.
No, Europe is not absent!
No lo creo.
I do not think so.
Lo saludo.
That is something that I welcome.
Lo apoyo.
I am in favour of these measures.
¡No lo harán!
They will not do it!
Lo deseamos.
We want it to be.
No lo olvidemos.
Let us not forget this.
No lo creo.
I do not think it is.
No lo acepto.
I do not accept that.
No lo creo.
I do not think so.
No lo creo.
I do not think so.
No lo olvidemos.
Let us not forget that.
No lo creo.
I do not think so.
No lo creo.
I do not think so.
No, no lo haré.
No, I will not do that.
No lo olvidemos.
Let us not forget it!
No lo entiendo.
I do not understand it.
No lo dudo.
I do not doubt that at all.
No lo creo.
We do not think so.
No lo creo.
I do not think so.
No lo necesitamos.
We do not need it.
No lo repetiré.
I would certainly not repeat that.
No lo creo.
I do not think so.
No lo creo.
I do not think so.
No lo creo.
I do not think so.
No lo creo.
I do not think so.
No lo entiendo.
I fail to understand that.

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